I already told the group my dear. sweet Puma was diagnosed w/ BOTH toxo & FIP 
when I noticed him "not right" when I (finally) got home  from hosp........
I LOVE my vet, and I do not question his diagnosis......
Puma had MANY symptoms (I thought it was thyroid and/or kidney  disease).  
Vet did a MILLION tests, thank heavens for his  "low-cost" policy for 
Anyway, his FIP titer was thru the roof!!!!  (I STILL blame myself 'cause 
when I was fostering & had an FIP outbreak. I  did have all the fosters Elisa 
tested, but did not test my clan......Probably  'cause it is a death sentence & 
didn't want  to   worry about my babies......  I did lose  my Dusty & Oden to 
it, confirmed thru necropsies......  But that was SOOOO long  ago.  I now 
wonder just what the time thing is.....
Getting back to toxo........ Puma DID have very loose stools.
Now since he's been on clindo & pred, well, he now has very firm  stools..... 
(Maybe the meds worked).
In fact, he is doing GREAT.....For a very ancient boy.......
Now I "wonder" if his loose stools were a sign of toxo........
Toxo can and is a terrible disease when NOT treated.......
I am praying the old man will pass peacefully (in his sleep) if he succumbs  
to FIP....
I LOVE my old man and only want the best  for him.........
I am praying for your Lucy.......

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