You should be asking for these same results in Lucy's case, especially since
they were able to get a fluid sample:

Please ask them what her feline coronavirus (FCoV) titer was. Ask them what
her albumin:globulin (A:G) ratio was in her blood plasma. In FIP, AGP levels
are usually greater than 1500 mg/ml. In normal cats, it's up to 500 mg/ml.
What is her Alpha one acid glycoprotein (AGP) level? In FIP, AGP levels are
usually greater than 1500 mg/ml. In normal cats, it's up to 500
mg/ml. is the
webpage for more info.

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

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