It's all fluid, but they couldn't get a sample?! Doesn't that seem weird to you 
Did they not have an ultrasound machine in the clinic? They should be able to 
find a fluid pocket using ultrasound. Take her to a different vet tomorrow if 
you can
(one with a decent hospital and the proper facilities/technology)! I assume 
they did
OTHER testing to come up with this FIP diagnosis? Please ask them what her 
coronavirus (FCoV) titer was. Ask them what her albumin:globulin (A:G) ratio 
was in
her blood plasma. In FIP, AGP levels are usually greater than 1500 mg/ml. In 
cats, it’s up to 500 mg/ml. What is her Alpha one acid glycoprotein (AGP) 
level? In
FIP, AGP levels are usually greater than 1500 mg/ml. In normal cats, it’s up to 
mg/ml. Is she jaundiced? Does she have the typical eye symptoms associated with 
Does she have neurological signs, ataxia (wobbly and falling over when 
walking), head
tremors, seizures, or are her eyes may dart from side to side?

Once you find a better vet (one able to stick a needle in something the size of 
grapefruit), take this webpage, print it off, and demand they run these tests:


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