I know. And we are treating for toxo, which does not really seem to be  
working so far. Next step is probably to treat for small cell lymphoma and fip  
inflammation at the same time with leukeran. But that suppresses the bone 
and wbc, so my vets do not want to put her on it until we have completely 
given  up on the abx working.  The only way to really diagnose her would be  
exploratory surgery with multiple tissue biopsies (they can definitively  
fip if they find it in a tissue biopsy-- that is how they do it in  
necropsies as well), and I do not want to put Lucy through exploratory surgery  
she is FeLV+, anemic, weak, and almost seemed like she would not recover  
from the ultrasound/biopsy-- just sat in sick cat position staring into space  
for half a day afterwards and would not look at me or eat until the evening. So 
I am afraid the surgery could kill her.  So I am trying to treat for the  
treatable things they might find in a biopsy, which I was told would only be a) 
infection, b) cancer, or c) fungal infection. We are treating for toxo, an  
infection, right now.  If it is cancer, the only really treatable kind is  
lymphoma, which the oncologist does not think she has because the enlarged 
nodes in her abdomen did not have any lymphoma cells and neither did the fluid  
in her belly.  But I think if we give up on the abx, the next step is  
leukeran in case it is lymphoma, since it is also used to treat fip-related  
inflammation.  Fungal infection seems least likely and the medication  
makes them feel sick, so that is probably last, unless the internist  decides 
So I have not given up hope. But when she is so tired, and her pcv is still  
going down, and her belly keeps getting bigger, it is frightening.  That is  
why I ask for prayer.
That said, I put her collar on her, with the bells, and asked her if she  
wanted to go outside. She just sat there and looked at me, so I went into the  
kitchen. When I looked up she was walking through the kitchen to the back door. 
I let her out and she walked around a while, jumped up on a stone wall, 
walked  around some more. She meowed strangely a few times. When well, she is 
 talkative, but some of these meows sounded different and I got scared. But 
she  then climbed up on top of the picnic table in the sun. I plugged in her 
heating  pad out there and she got on it, and we spent about an hour outside in 
the  (cold) sun.  She purred when we pet her.  I eventually brought her in  
because the clouds covered the sun and her ears got ice cold, and she meowed at 
me the whole time I was taking her in because she did not want to go. Once 
in,  she ate some, and then curled up on her heating pad. She rolled on her 
for  a while like she was really happy, now is fast asleep on her side. So 
better  afternoon than I was expecting! Perhaps because of the prayers! Or 
perhaps  because she heard a mouse this morning and that excited her. Or 
perhaps if 
I had  asked her any of these past days if she wanted to go out and put her 
collar on,  perhaps she would have responded the same way. I don't know. But I 
am glad and  grateful for it.  Please send prayers.
In a message dated 1/28/2007 1:05:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


please do remember, *always*, that a 100% reliable  assessment of FIP
(dry or wet) CANNOT be made until the cat is alive: only  necroscopic
exams could tell the final word. There is plenty of cases of  cats
"definitely diagnosed with FIP", that did not have it, just a  panel
of symptoms that resembled (but actually were not) FIP...  ;)



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