Thanks, Kerry. I am already giving Lucy all that you mention other than the  
chemo and coq10, but maybe I will get some Until yesterday she was on 10 
mg/day  of pred but I upped her yesterday to 12.5. I am all for more steroids 
this is  not something infectious. my local vet wants to wait on more steroids 
until we  see if the abx will kick in, though he does not think it is toxo at 
this point.  He did not want to take enough blood to send out a test, since 
clindamycin, the  abx to treat toxo, was recommended by the internist for Lucy 
a broad-spectrum  abx to be on anyway in case she has some other kind of 
infection.   Apparently it has few side effects.  Do you think I should up her 
pred? I  am thinking of asking for a dex shot or dex pills on Tuesday when the 
vet opens  (closed tomorrow for a funeral). 
I have only been giving 100 mcg of folic acid. You really gave 800 mcg/day?  
That is twice the human dosage of what I have. If that is really what you 
gave,  I will up what I am giving her.
Thanks, Kelly.
In a message dated 1/28/2007 6:47:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hi Michelle,
 I hope Lucy is eating and feeling better today..I am behind as  usual..I was 
wondering if they sent the blood off to be checked for  toxo...When Bandy 
first saw the eye spec., that was the first test he wanted  to do and really 
thing Bandy hadn't been checked for in the past..Here in  TX they usually 
send everything to Texas A and M, but this time they sent it  to 
took awhile to get the results, too..He was negative..If they  haven't done the 
toxo blood test, they should...cause that would eliminate  unnecessary meds 
that Lucy might not need right now...and I believe that was  some of Bandy's 
problems near the end...too many meds...which I believe caused  the liver 
failure..He couldn't process all the things he was getting..
Also, my kitty that had lymphoma lived on 20mg of pred daily the rest of  her 
life..along with her several months of chemo..They used adriamycin for  
her..with great results..She was in remission for almost 9 months..How much  
is Lucy on now?
I read some where that you were using the Merck vet book..I have a new  one 
and use it all the time..Check it for FIP and toxo and anything else if  you 
haven't already..The IBD section is really good as well..It has the  protocol 
that we are using for Lucy and Inky.  Also it mentions using dex  daily for 
IBD.. .22mg per kg.  I found that quite helpful..
Bandy also had non-regenerative anemia...I put him on folic acid from the  
health food store..800mcg pills...I would sprinkle some on every meal he  
ate...I really believe along with the epogen and added supps it helped  
his internal med specialist said anemia would be his ultimate fate,  and it 
wasn't..His PCV would drop at times to around 20, but then go right  back up to 
30+..He only received epogen for around 5 wks..and he had quick  results which 
isn't usually the case..His PCV went up rather fast..
He was also on Co Q 10 30mg daily along with 2 other supps that I got  from  feline immune system support and extra strength  immune 
and antioxidant support...I would alternate those 2.  Vit E 400mg  weekly.. 
500mg L-lysine daily
I am sorry to go on and on, but I am just trying to see if any of these  
things might be something that might help Lucy.. I guess you remember he was  
interferon mixed with liqui-tinic (which is a good iron support) daily..I  
mixed 1/2 cc of this with his interferon..
Prayers are with you and Lucy,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky


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