Thank you Sherry. Yes, I have to focus on the good memories. :)

From: Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mylo's Passing
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 19:08:31 -0800 (PST)

Chris I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Mylo.He was lucky to have you to love him so much.My Maizee has been gone almost 15 months and I still have her stuffed lamb on my bed next to my head.She loved that baby as much as I loved her.Hugs to you in this sad time,hold on to all the good memories of Mylo.

Chris Ramzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Thank you all for your support. I took Mylo to his vet appointment
yesterday. I was nervous with a pit in my stomach. Mylo seemed subdued,
almost like he knew why he was there and that he was ready to let go. His
little frail body lay on a blanket on the metal table. His head still up.
The vet gave him a sedative to relax him and within 10 minutes it had shown
it's effect on Mylo. His tiny head slowly drooped down to where his nose was
touching the blanket he lay on. My spouse and I continuously stroked Mylo's
head, neck and paws. The vet came back in to administer the leathal needle.
The vet checked Mylo for a heart beat and told us Mylo had passed. My spouse
and I stayed with Mylo privately in the room. We said our goodbyes and gave
Mylo a kiss on his head as that was my favourite place to kiss him. It was
difficult as we walked out of the room and I looked back at his motionless
body. It hurt to leave him there. When we got home we talked a lot about
Mylo. I cleaned out his litter box and put his dishes in the dishwasher. I
slept with the blanket that I took him to the vet in. It was difficult for
us to fall asleep. Even though I knew what we did was right for Mylo because
of the state he was in, I just wanted him back. In the end, I tried my best
to help him. I loved him and cared for him like he was my child.

>From: Kelly L
>Subject: Mylo
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:23:33 -0800
>Chris, I am so very sorry you had to Mylo go, What a wonderful
>compassionate thing you have done for your baby. You were his voice and his
>heart when he could not speak for himself. Today you are full of sadness,
>but there is that seed of joy somewhere inside you that will grow because
>you have brought an end to all of Mylos pain, The very best gift you have

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