Thanks Susan, MC, Gloria, Nina---you guys are great!
Agree Nina---I did email my vet, in hopes that testing is taking place
right now (her blood was drawn again a couple of weeks ago to be re-sent
out for Pet Passport--I don't expect to get result for 2 more weeks) but
haven't heard back yet (trying to avoid calling the office as it means
relaying verbally to the receptionist) and I'd rather speak to vet
directly. I also had she and Mickey re-tested for Felv last may, and
asked him in the same email if that test included FIV.
It was the PAWS shelter vet that made the note. Not inclined to call
I'm sure glad I don't have to get psyched up immediately again for the
"great round-up." 
MC: she's pretty lazy (tho not fat), is about 4 (tested at 1 year--we're
guessing her age but she wasn't a kitten when tested) and LOOKS cuddly
but because she remains resolutely feral the ONLY time I've been able to
"cuddle" her in 3 years was 2 weeks ago after she escaped en route to
vet and was tranxed after we found her--but as Nina rightly pointed out
that cuddle time doesn't count in terms of her becoming tamer since,
being tranxed, she had no ??? "motor function", was that the term you
She's never shown any symptoms of being sick, ever. Not even a cold.
Thanks again everyone, will let you know outcome

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: o/t FIV

Thank you Gloria, if that's indeed what went on, it makes more sense.  
Why didn't the guy just say, "faint pos"?  Sometimes I think they are 
purposely trying to make us crazy.  Either that or they have very little

faith in our ability to understand the complexities.  It makes me wonder

just how much of a concern this must have been to the vet, since he 
didn't point it out at the time.

Gloria B. Lane wrote:
> If it's the Elisa test, they base on on eyeballing the little circle 
> that appears.  If they think they see a faint coloration, might still 
> call it FIV-Neg, but it's maybe really a "faint positive".  So it can 
> be rather subjective.. 
> Gloria
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