Keep in mind too -- dexamethasone is ten times stronger than prednisone...



 no, I have been very attentive to her temperature since this whole thing
started a few weeks ago, and she definitely has not been getting fevers in
the past week at least except after getting dex. I specifically waited days
between dex shots to monitor this, and she did not get feverish at all the
night she did not get it.

as for the other questions, I have no idea...

thanks for responding,

In a message dated 2/2/2007 10:15:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

the thing that's so crazy-making here is that there are SO many
possible things going on, and so many medications involved, that it's
really impossible to know what's causing what. in every
creature--human included--some will have idiosyncratic responses to
medications, no matter how many experts say it can't happen. on the
other paw, for all you really know, the dex has nothing to do with her
fevers--she may have been getting night-time low-grade fevers for
years as part of her own body chemistry, and you just had no reason to
notice it....

so hard to know what to do..... i personally prefer to go with dex
usually, partially because my cats take injectibles much more
gracefully than pills, and dex seems to be so quick-acting. but i
guess you have to weigh WHICH option has the GREATEST chance of
sucess--the interferon, or the epogen? is feeling better temporarily
to be preferred over GETTING better? (would her healing be better
served by letting her stay eating and purring and less active?)

in other words, i only have more questions for you, no answers.
continuing to send GLOW....

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