Thanks, Mary Christine.    It does make me smile to think of him as whole and 
healthy -- and chubby again!

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  may the blessings of light be with 
him, light outside and light within him.

fly gently, sweet leader--be healthy and free and play forever!


On 2/6/07, Susan Loesch 
> Just as I had feared, my little miracle man, Leader, was dead when I got
> home yesterday evening. I'd given him a kiss and he'd meowed me a little
> good bye before I left him -- all wrapped up in the sweatshirt I'd slept in
> and cuddled warm on my bed with some of his buddies staying close.
> Born with feline leukemia, and my bottle baby from age 3 weeks, he outlived
> his 5 brothers and sisters by years - in fact he was just a couple of months
> shy of six years. Someone said to me yesterday that I must have given him
> good care -- but I know it wasn't the care he received; his littermates all
> got the same care and Mittens, his brother who went to live with Gloria, got
> better, more consistent good care. It was just the luck of the draw. I
> am so honored to have had him in my life for so long. He was truly
> amazing, and I shall miss him terribly - as I did last night when I reached
> out and he wasn't by my head.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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