Prayers going up for Tig and family..  I hope it may comfort you to know
that my sister-in-law's baby (Alexander) went missing for 3 months and then
came home (and he was de-clawed, sadly).  I have another friend who lost her
best love - Jefferson - for several weeks and he returned none the worse for
wear.  Don't loose hope.



 I'd just like to ask people to add Tig to their prayers. My best friend
has too sweet little kitties - Tig & Missy they are not FeLV but are still
very much loved and cared. " days ago Tig went missing from her back garden
- she never usually goes away from the garden and doesn't care to be out
much. She has not come home and is a timid cat who doesn't approach or get
coaxed by strangers so something has happened but we don't know what. Maybe
she got chased by another cat or even tried to venture off a little too far
and got lost. One thing is for sure she loves her home and my friend has
always been their mummy since they were 8 weeks old. Both cats snuggle into
her like they would their real mum - Tig wouldn't just leave home. I known
cats to get trapped somewhere or lost then reappear 4-6 weeks later so there
is hope. But this cat is such a shy little cat she would quite easily have a
nervous breakdown being away from home too long.

Please add her safe return to your prayers and mental energy to guide her
home (Bolton, UK)

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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