All 14 of our babies seem to be ok after their testing and FELV shots. Does 
everyone feel like cats should get this vaccine every year???? I have read some 
controversial stuff on this. These cats do not go outside. Also, how does 
everyone here feel about getting rabies shots for indoor cats? Our vet keeps 
talking us into these and I just don't feel like they are that important. Even 
the other yearly shots they get I often wonder if they are necessary every year.

I also wanted to ask about our cat Cassie. She is a gray tabby. She is very 
high strung. She likes to sit on your lap but if you try to move her she growls 
and gets nervous. She has lost some weight lately, but she eats good. She also 
has licked herself bald in a few areas. Any ideas? She tested negative for FELV 
like the others. I was wondering if there was any good cat vitamins or anything 
that might help build her up. I really think she is always afraid someone is 
going to pounce on her so she doesn't eat like she should.

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