Dear Nina,
I've been thinking much about you also..... (And now w/ my vision going so  
bad, unless I put you on speed-dial...well.  And, my  "mobility" is also going 
to he!!, so it's almost impossible for me to answer  phone..... And, that 
portable phone my room mate got me, well, it has TOO many  "things" and I have 
great record of disconnecting incoming calls......  I  give up! Think positive 
- great idea, but hard to do when  you're steadily going [further] down- 
After reading your post, I remembered how the vet visit went w/ Bart.......  
(I also have a great vet, compassionate but MILES away....He does give me  
Rescue Rates - thank heaven)..  When I sadly had Bart PTS he asked me "what  
I want to do w/ his remains.....I jokingly said I'd put him  in freezer w/ 
Fred, my [very LARGE] goldfish....We have  been in such a deep-freeze, snow, 
sleet...I don't think ground will thaw  'til June!!!!  So, I did have him 
cremated,,,,  That fee was larger  than I expected......But, as always, the 
come first.
I didn't now how Bart would react - strange place, strange  people......  And 
he was in so much pain..  But I did explain to him  "why" I was doing this, 
promised him he would be taken care of [NOT what I  wanted, but I've promised 
all my critters I'd never let them suffer]. He was so  amazing though.  He did 
growl, hiss - but only once. I just stroked him,  "explained" to him what was 
going on, and he even let me kiss him!!!!  I  really believe he knew I was 
doing the best [only] option.  When the vet  gave him the sedative prior to the 
euthanol, well, he looked at me w/ those big,  beautiful eyes - I think 
"telling" me, "It's ok Mom & thank you".
And, for Charity's appt., I do have a carrier that has the metal thing  on 
top that you can just open, and that will probably be much less "stressful" -  
for both her & me.
I'm just concerned about "how" we can draw blood...... She was negative  when 
I had her spayed, but she's been out the last 2 years,  And, Bart,  [NEVER 
tested], was old, "intact" & had all the textbook symptoms of  wet 
FIP........(He was so full of fluids...)  Poor 'ole boy. A lousy  life.  Is it 
any wonder I 
prefer critters over people?  And believe  me, doing Rescue for so long, the 
things I saw, the  idiots I encountered........Grrrr......  I could  go on & 
on.  Especially since I just watched Animal Cops  (Heroes).  Ughh......
I'll let you all know how it goes w/ Charity.  I do talk to her every  day, 
try to "explain" what we're [trying] to accomplish..... And, yes, she does  
trust me so hopefully it will be smooth sailing w/ excellent results....
And, I do use Feliway & RR.  And w/ the Feliway, it's so wonderful  - 
stroking this former feral girl.  I actually thinks she actually enjoys  the 
touching.......I still can't believe the turn-a-round......Makes me cry,  tears 
joy. SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!  This girl had me in ER so many  times!
Oh, I am rambling again, sorry, but I have gotten so much love &  support 
from this group, And, it really helps me, emotionally.  I really  need that, 
especially now.
So, thank you Nina and everyone for all your support.  You'll never  know how 
much it means to me,,,,,
Oh, look at the time.... (Takes me forever to write).
The insomniac is going to attempt to get some rest.  Hopefully  anyway.
Much love, hugs & thanks,
Patti & her gang

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