Dear Marissa
I'm so happy for you and Slinky that you have him at home now.  Have a
wonderful day with Slinky. Enjoy every moment you have with him!
Sending zillions of prayes and healing vibes, hugs, Kerry  PS: I wrote
you last night but my server wdn't release it from the outbox. You'll
prob get it today if I can get their tech support to release remotely
for me. There will be a lot in the archives on IR--Michelle (Lerner)
shared a ton of information with us on IR.
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:18 PM
Subject: Slinky is Home...but Feverish again

Hi all!!!  Just wanted to give you all the latest update.  I brought
Slinky home this afternoon!!!!  The doctor called me this morning and
said he was doing great and could go home.  I stopped and saw him on my
way to church and he was wanting to jump out of his cage and go home.
I went back this afternoon and they said his temp is normal (101 - was
102 when I went in the morning), his BP, respirations, heart rate, etc.
were all normal.  He even ate quite a bit of his dry food after I left
in the morning.  He was alert and looking around.  His gums are still
pale but they're definitely pinker!  
When we got home I took him out of his carrier...and watched my baby boy
run across the living room floor, jump up on the couch, and perch on the
window sill!!!  :)  Considering that I wasn't sure I'd even get to bring
him home, I just about burst into tears!  
The bill was actually pretty close to the estimate and they're going to
have me continue his clavamox and baytril and give him sub-q fluids if I
need them.  My friend who's a vet tech will be here tonight to help me
take care of him and keep an eye on him for the week.  We have a
follow-up appointment Thursday night to run another CBC and see where we
Throughout all of it, the hospital was absolutely amazing!  I called 2-3
times last night for updates and they were great about getting them to
me.  They actually THANKED me for the opportunity to work with him and
told me what a wonderful cat he is.  :)  
Now for the not-so-happy news.  He was really alert and energetic for a
while...but I noticed he was starting to feel warm again.  I took his
temp and it got to 104 and then he moved and it came out and he wouldn't
let me get it in again.  :(  I called the hospital to make sure I was
supposed to give him his abx tonight (wanted to make sure I wasn't
overdosing him after he'd been on IV abx).  The doctor said to give him
the abx and go ahead with sub-q fluids...but also said that she's
concerned about his ability to regenerate and that she thinks I've done
all I can for him...and it may be that if he's eating and alert that's a
good day for him.  
We gave him the clavamox, baytril, some C and L-Lysine, and Hi-Vite and
then started the sub-q's.  Took the temp after the fluids were done and
it was 104.4.  I'm hoping it will go down by the time the fluid absorbs.
He's seeming a bit more lethargic and sleepy now.  I hate to keep poking
and prodding has to be frustrating for him!
I'm feeling a bit discouraged...everything seemed to be going so well
when I picked him up!  But my friend (the vet tech) is saying that his
body needs time to adjust to the new blood.  I'm hoping that's what's
happening...and not that his body is killing the new blood cells.
Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts!  I know we've done
everything we can...but I really want this to work!  I got my baby back
for a few hours...and I want more!  
Thanks again for all your support and love.  I'll send more info when I
have it.


Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.
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