This is good info - thanks!


 It does not yet have a Bill number as it has not been introduced yet.
That makes THIS the perfect time to write your senators and representatives
(as it will eventually go through the House if it passes the Senate) and
tell them to NOT support it! Here is the FDA news article about it if you
want more info:
It has been created by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), and co-sponsored
by Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

It will first be introduced to the Senate health committee, so contacting
any Senator that is from your state that is on that committee is crucial, as
they have the first stroke of power to dismiss it as bad legislation. Here
is that committee's info:

*2007 US Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee*

Committee Chair:  Sen.Edward M. Kennedy (DEM-MA)

Sen. Bernard Sanders (IND-VT)

Sen. Christopher Dodd (DEM-CT)

Sen. Tom Harkin (DEM-IA)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (DEM-MD)

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (DEM-NM)

Sen. Patty Murray (DEM-WA)

Sen. Jack Reed (DEM-RI)

Sen. Hillary Clinton (DEM-NY)

Sen. Barack Obama (DEM-IL)

Sen. Sherrod Brown (DEM-OH)

Sen. Michael B. Enzi (REP-WY)

Sen. Judd Gregg (REP-NH)

Sen. Lamar Alexander (REP-TN)

Sen. Richard Burr (REP-NC) - is a co-sponsor

Sen. Johnny Isakson (REP-GA)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (REP-AK)

Sen. Orrin Hatch (REP-UT)

Sen. Pat Roberts (REP-KS) - is a co-sponsor

Sen. Wayne Allard (REP-CO)

Sen. Tom Coburn (REP-OK)

Again, to find your Senator's and Representative's contact info, go to:

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