I know people who feed their dogs carrots for treats. A lot of dog food does 
have vegetables.
  Then there are the dogs that will eat anything. You have to be careful of 
those. When I was a teenager my brother and I fed pickled eggplant to our one 
dog just to see if she really would eat anything.

Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Isn't a small amount of vegetables and grains okay for a dog?  I don't have 
dogs, so I don't know.

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Doesn't it depend what you feed them though?  I mean I wouldn't think they 
should eat oh..fettucini alfredo..but if they are eating cooked meat shouldn't 
it be ok?

  On 3/26/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   i did see some flyers at the 
pet food store friday
where you can order home cooked 'people' food for your 
dogs.  i didn't get the company name because i was too
busy laughing (not to mention, i saw the flyer on the
floor while using the restrooom).  the company is
serious though.  they have very nice color flyers. 
the food looks just like what the black eyed pea cooks
up for it's customers.  not sure it's healthy though.
vets tell people not to feed their dogs people food.


--- TenHouseCats < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> you know, they have these businesses all over the
> country for people
> to get together and cook up a week's worth of meals 
> with other people,
> in a fully-equipped kitchen, etc. good company,
> instructions, all the
> ingredients--
> someone needs to start up a business, then franchise
> it, doing that 
> for homemade pet-meals! people could get together,
> talk about their
> critters, share information--and go home with food!
> too bad i am totally USELESS when it comes to
> manifesting anything i 
> visualize. the concrete details slay me....
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats 
> ICQ: 289856892

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