> Hi Joe and welcome to the list.  Bless you for being
> the type of person 
> to take in animals in need.  My condolences on
> losing Zoro and Stitch. 

Thanks. :) It is entirely possible that Zoro had it
first. I'd consider that less likely because Zoro was
always well kept with regular veterinary care.

At this point it doesn't really matter. Zoro's death
was completely unrelated to FelV, btw.

> Everyone in this group understands the bonds of
> interspecies love and we 
> know how much it hurts.  You must be reeling from
> Chewie's pos test 
> result.  Did you bring Chewie home while Zoro was
> still with you?

Minor confusion here. :) Chewie is the one who died
recently, about a month ago. She was VERY sick and
tested positive for FelV which led to our decision to
put her to sleep.

Stitch is now our only cat, and was the youngest of
the three that we have had.

I got Zoro first, when I was living by myself. Later
on, when I was first living with my wife, before we
were married, we got Chewie. Stitch came after that.

> There's no way to know who transmitted the disease
> to whom, I was just 
> wondering.  The good news is that Chewie is 3.5 yrs.
>  Kittens who 
> present symptoms of the disease usually do so before
> their 3rd birthday, 
> so it's fabulous that Chewie is so healthy.

Now I'm second-guessing. I remember we got Stitch
around Thanksgiving - and that she was born in October
but I'm having a hard time remembering if it was 2003
or 2004 that she was born and it makes a difference.

> are so many false pos 
> using the in-house ELISA test that there is always
> the hope that they 
> aren't really pos at all.  Given your history, it
> seems less likely in 
> your case though.  It could be that Chewie is a
> carrier and will never 
> develop symptoms, it could be that she is in the
> process of fighting off 
> the disease and will later test neg.

That's interesting. I had heard that healthy-appearing
cats can show a false-negative, but that
false-positives were not as common.

In the meantime, you might
> want to visit our 
> archives and do searches on our past discussions. 

I'll definitely do that. Is there a FAQ available?

> like.  This is a 
> very informative and supportive group, we're all in
> this together.

Again, Thank you,


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