> feeding a super-premium commercial
> cat food, such as Innova, Wellness, Chicken Soup for
> the Cat, or Felidae (just some
> good examples - I feed felidae or Innova dry and
> merrick or innova canned), or you
> can make your own homemade diet using a recipe found

My local "small" pet store seems to be well stocked
and has Innova dry and canned and Merrick's canned, as
well as a few other brands (Nature's Own I think was
the other big one). I bought a couple cans of the
Merrick's today so we'll see how she likes that.

If she likes those I'll probably see about ordering
larger supplies.

I may go the route of making our own stuff here at
some point, but not quite ready for that adventure. :)

Still not an entirely alien experience as I've kept
Iguanas in the past and I put quite a bit of effort
into making weekly supplies of "salad" for them, when
I still had them. :)

I'm also a little curious about Interferon, which I've
seen mentioned. Is this simply an immune booster or is
it doing something else?

As some have mentioned I probably will plan to get her
retested in about 6 months, my only real concern with
the Interferon is if it turns out she is clean on her
second test is that something that can have any
harmful effects?

Another consideration is that the vet recommended a
teeth cleaning because she's got some tartar/calculus
build up and her gums are kind of red. The vet did
mention that because of the FELV+ result, that we
should give her antibiotics a day or two before she's
due for that procedure to give her system a boost
before the procedure, any opinions on that?

I've also seen blood-tests what-not mentioned. I'm
assuming when these are talked about, they're
primarily "general well-being" kind of tests? This is
something I should do? What type of results would be
ideal/bad/inbetween? i.e., what should we be looking



Also, it's not a great picture, but I do have a photo
of Stitch posted on a web-forum I take part in
(related to Fender guitars):

The other cat in the photo is Zoro and this picture
was taken probably a month or two before he died, back
in 2005.

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