I am hoping that dealing with the fleas will help your


--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Find a lice comb and go thru his hair with it.  This
> should disturb the fleas.  You can pick them up with
> a wet q-tip too and drown them (sorry fleas, it is
> you or the cat).  It only takes a bite or two to
> give Dixie hotspots that require medical attention. 
> This is going to depend on the cat.  Also was any
> bedding etc in very hot water.  Fleas don't bother
> me and keeping up with Dixie v Fleas is difficult. 
> They may or may not be the cause of Tomi's problems
> but they sure can contribute to they.  
>                                                  If
> you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
> from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
> have men who 
> will deal likewise with their fellow man.
>              St. Francis
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: C & J 
>   Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:02 PM
>   Subject: Re: Can fleas cause anemia in adult cats?
>   How many fleas does there need to be to cause
> anemia?  I don't think Tomi could have very many
> fleas, since I can't find alot of flea droppings
> (and I haven't found any actual fleas yet).
>   I'm just wondering how I could treat the fleas
> while he's in such a weakened state.  Wouldn't flea
> collars, chemicals etc be too hard on him right now?
>  I couldn't even imagine giving him a flea
> bath...that would be about as much stress as I could
> possibly put him through.
>   Cassandra
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: TenHouseCats 
>     Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 9:24 PM
>     Subject: Re: Can fleas cause anemia in adult
> cats?
>     ABSOLUTELY. that's how i discovered flea-induced
> anemia years ago, and how i learned that persians
> are abnormally sensitive to pesticides.... lost a
> beautiful blue-cream darling during a really bad
> flea season because no vet--then or since--had ever
> told me the latter (this was back in '90?), and i
> did not, then, recognize the symptoms of anemia.
> when i talk about hard lessons learned, that's
> probably the hardest any of my beloveds have taught
> me. 
>     MC
>     On 4/14/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote: 
>       Yes they can--especially a cat that is in a
> weakened condition anyway.
>   If you have men who will exclude any of God's
> creatures
>   from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
> have men who 
>   will deal likewise with their fellow man.
>                    St. Francis
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: C & J 
>         To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>         Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 8:38 PM
>         Subject: Can fleas cause anemia in adult
> cats?
>         I've been wondering why Tomi seems to be
> scratching more than normal, and licking himself
> vigorously once in awhile this last week.  I wasn't
> that concerned about it since he doesn't scratch
> constantly, just more often than normal.
>         I checked through his fur a few times, and
> didn't see much of anything.  I've never noticed
> fleas on any of my other pets either.
>         Tonight I noticed a some black dots on his
> lip and a little on his chin, so I checked his fur
> thoroughly with a flashlight.  I found some more of
> the black dots on his tail.  The rest of his fur
> looks clear, though it is difficult to see all of
> his skin through the thick fur.
>         I imagine this could mean he has a few
> fleas, but would it be enough to actually cause his
> anemia?  From what I read, fleas usually only cause
> anemia in young kittens and elderly cats.
>         Likely i'm just overreacting, because I
> don't see how a few fleas would cause his PCV to be
> so low.  As well, I would be scared to treat him
> with anything to kill them at the moment, while he's
> going through such a tough time.  
>         Cassandra
>     -- 
>     Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
>     Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
>     MaryChristine
>     AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
>     ICQ: 289856892 
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>     Checked by AVG Free Edition.
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