Hi Joe,

I have seen several times on two different kitty
'sites' that some cats don't like Merrick, so don't be
surprised if Stitch won't eat it.  I hope he does,
because it's supposed to be good stuff, but if not,
there's other good stuff out there.  BTW...I could use
your advice in making weekly supplies of salad for

>From what I understand, and someone correct me if I'm
wrong, Interferon is an anti-viral that helps reduce
the viral load in cats.  It's supposed to interfere
with viral replication, thus the name interferon.  I
don't know the answer to your question about
interferon being bad for a cat that's actually
negative or turns negative, but it's a good question
and one I bet someone else will be able to answer.  I
would not do a dental on a cat that might be trying to
throw the virus.  As little stress as possible is very
important right now.  I have to admit, I am biased on
the subject.  I am not a feline dental proponent.  I
do not do dentals on my pets, unless there is
something pressing that needs attention.  I would not
do blood tests either.  These are mostly done on cats
that are ill, or as you mentioned, as general yearly
tests on older kitties to check their kidney function,
thyroid, etc.  But blood tests cause stress, so I
wouldn't do those either for now, unless you have a
pressing need.  I saw Stitch's photo.  Both he and
Zoro are beautiful cats!!!  I'm sorry that you lost
Zoro.  Please keep us posted on Stitch.


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world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 
      ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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