Hi guys,
I'm sorry I haven't had time to read or post, my heart is always with you and your babies. I'm forwarding this in the hope that there are suggestions or that someone in the area might be able to help physically. I'm going to meet a fellow rescuer at the crash site to set traps and talk to bus owners and to post fliers. Wish send us prayers in retrieving the lost kitties!

While you're at it, say a little prayer that the stray I took in Sat night has a micro chip. (Aaaarrrggghhh!)
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Note: forwarded message attached.
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Thank you for the replies.  I have updated information and will try to
answer questions.

Yes, it is okay to forward my posts on this topic anywhere you think is
appropriate.  Including my phone number and email address.

I appreciate the tips on how to trap/look for lost kitties but I'm not sure
people understand that I am 400 miles away from the accident and my friends
do not live there either.  Both the mom (who is in surgery Sunday night)
and one of the babies are hospitalized in Los Angeles, which is about an
hour from the crash site in Thousand Oaks.  The dad has gone at least twice
to the crash site to look for the kitties but has not found them or any
sign of them.

The dad also went to the RV where it was towed and did a complete search of
every last nook and cranny.  I also thought they might be hiding in there
but he is quite sure they are not.

I don't have any pictures of the kitties, though they are related to
several of my cats and look quite similar, if that helps.

I know there are networks that mobilize to look for pets who are missing or
lost and I am trying to get that sort of help here.  Even if I could travel
there myself, I could not do this alone.  People are suggesting flyers,
traps, calling animal hospitals, animal communicators, and much more but
what I am asking for are volunteers.  Anyone who could distribute flyers or
make calls or set traps.  I will reimburse expenses.  Please help if you

Thank you,

Here is my latest update:

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Thank you!

Yes, you can use my contact information:
Cyndi 707-775-4475 (between 10am and 10pm for inquires but ANYTIME if
kitties are found) or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have better information.  The animal control person guessed the crash was
south of the Westlake Blvd exit on 101 South.  But my friend says it was
next to a business park between Westlake and Hampshire.  This puts it just
north of the Westlake exit, though still on 101 South.  The RV has been
towed away but I would guess that there are still signs of the crash there.

I thought it would be great if flyers could go up in the business park.  I
am in the process of trying to find out any of the businesses there or
maybe the management.  My friend doesn't know.

People are posting about how we have to set traps and go check them and
etc.  I'm sure they're right but I'm 400 miles away and my friends who had
the accident are in a hospital in LA, an hour from the crash.  The mom is
having surgery right now (Sunday night) and one of the infant boys has a
head injury.  The other boy is okay.  The dad has been up at least twice to
look but can't go regularly (he's seen no sign of them).  They aren't local
to that area; they were driving through.

Please forward the information to anyone you think can help.  I really
appreciate anything you or others can do.  This family is devestated and
doing everything they can right now.

Here are the basics:

Serious RV accident Saturday night (4/28/07) at the 900 block number of
North Westlake Blvd exit in Thousand Oaks off of southbound 101.  The crash
was down a bank and into a tree near a business park between Hampshire and

Family had one dog and 4 cats.  The dog is safe with Agoura Animal
Control.  One cat is dead.  The other 3 cats are missing.

The missing cats are Geri (female, gray DSH), Sammi (female, gray DSH),
and Little Guy (male, black DSH).  I don't have any pictures of them.

Thank you again,

Original message:

   I know this is off topic but I'm hoping someone in the area can help.=20
   I'm in the SF Bay Area and got a call from some friends who were=20
   travelling to LA and had an accident last night (Saturday 4/28) in or=20
   near Thousand Oaksor Agoura. They called at 1:45am so the accident=20
   must have been before 1am and was probably no earlier than 9 or 10pm,=20
   but I don't know for sure.They were in an RV which is now totalled.=20
   The side was ripped off. The mom has an eye injury and may need=20
   surgery. The dad is uninjured. They have 2 infants, one of which is=20
   seriously injured, the other is okay. They were travelling with their=20
   dog and 4 cats. The dog is okay. One cat is dead and the other 3 are=20
   missing.I can not imagine how they will be able to look for these=20
   cats that they love so dearly. Their son is being transfered to=20
   another hospital,possibly even out of the area. They don't know=20
   anyone local to there.I spoke with Agoura Animal Control. They have=20
   the dog and she's safe there. They went to look for the cats but only=20
   found the dead one.They told me the accident was on southbound 101=20
   with the closest exit the 900 block number of North Westlake Blvd. He=20
   believes the accident was south of that exit but I'm not sure. All I=20
   know is there was a bank they rolled down and the RV hit a tree.
   The missing cats are Geri (female, gray DSH), Sammi (female, gray=20
   DSH), and Little Guy (male, black, I think long hair but I can't=20
   remember if it was him or the cat who died who had long hair. Both=20
   were black).Is there anyone in that area who can help? I am worried=20
   sick about thesekitties (who are related to my own cats) as well as=20
   worried about thelittle boy and everything else.=20

   I just spoke with my friends, they are now at a hospital in Los=20
   Angeles.They did go back to the crash site this morning but found no=20
   trace of the 3 missing cats. They said the crash site was in a=20
   business park by Westlake Blvd on 101 South, but they couldn't recall=20
   if it was north or south of the exit.
   The Westlake Village Golf Course is near there and they are on the=20
   lookout for the cats. I've been calling rescue organizations but 1)=20
   no one answers their phones on the weekend and 2) I can't find one=20
   local to Thousand Oaks/Agoura.=20
   Please anyone who can help, we really need it. I know there are=20
   internet groups that mobilize around missing pets (like that dog who=20
   got lost at the airport a few months ago) but I don't know how to=20
   reach them. Forward this notice to appropriate places. We want to=20
   find those kitties alive!Even if you can't help look for them, if you=20
   know local animal hospitals and etc, calling them would be very=20
   The missing cats are all short-haired. 1 black male and 2 gray=20
   females,all related.

   Thank you!
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