Well, it might just keep them all so distracted that Sammy wouldn't think to search out the purse!


MaryChristine wrote:
only this group would think that adding more cats could solve a cat problem!

On 5/22/07, *Susan Hoffman* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.

    */Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>/* wrote:

        I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can
        lease one of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on
        fires.  I could fill the hold with anti-stink and have them
        dump it on my house.

        My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her
        table yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted
        and peed in her very expensive, (well previously expensive)
        purse.  Of course this is a rescue kitty that I begged her to
        adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet, sweet boy that
        cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas. This is the third time he's done his inappropriate urinating
        in the last couple of months.  The first time was in one of
        those cardboard scratching boxes on the floor, the second was
        in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and now the purse
        that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
        out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's already taken
        Sam to the vet for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as
        can be.  She's added additional litter boxes.  That seemed to
help for a little while and he uses them most of the time. The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy is older and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic. (You may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare
        when he went missing for 3 days and ended up being locked in
        the attached garage the entire time).  I'm pretty sure this
        has something to do with the dynamic between the two cats,
        (Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing. I suggested keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple
        of days to see if he appreciates the alone time, and a litter
        box that is not contaminated with Tux smells.  I thought she
        could try that at least when she's not home, but she doesn't
        want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
        that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the
        problems would stop if he had access to the outside, but
        Connie lives in coyote country.  I suggested a trip to Home
        Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but she thinks
        that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone have any

        MaryChristine wrote:
        we really have to get these cats of ours jobs--they have WAY
        too much time on their paws to sit around and figure these
        things out.....

        and yes, mine have managed to baptize the area in front of
        the dryer, as well..... i just pour the anti-stink straight
        on the floor there.... sigh.

        On 5/21/07, *Nina* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

            Thanks for the sympathy.  The dryer is such an ingenuous
            touch.  How
            clever this particular little fiend is, (I don't know
            which of my clan
            is the culprit).  Not only does the dryer "bake in" the
            fragrance, but
            it is then carried about all over the house, (not to
            mention everywhere
            I might travel).  It's so darn efficient of them!  All
            the fabric throws
            covering the furniture are now pre-marked :-) .

            elizabeth trent wrote:
            > Oh no!  Nina, you have all my sympathy.  "Ode de kitty
            toilette" is
            > definitely not the nicest fragrance - especially for
            warm weather.
            > Have you tried spraying with 'Urine Gone'?  That helps
            me a lot
            > with Shakiti (aka - magic marker) in the house.  I saw
            some a CVS last
            > week.  You can order it online too.  I am so sorry!
            > elizabeth

        Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
        Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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