I asked the vet about something to calm her nausea and appetite stimulants. They didn't think it was a good idea though because it is another medication that her liver is going to have to deal with. Her liver is having problems removing toxins, and that's likely why she feels nauseous.

If I am syringe feeding her, I can likely grind her pills into the food easily enough, though the injectable meds would be good if she ever decides to eat on her own again.

The vet said she wasn't dehydrated, and she is drinking some on her own (though she's acting odd when she drinks, she sticks her paw in the water, digs at it, then licks off her paw). I've never seen her drink that way before.

We don't really have any specialized vets in our area. I took Kisa to a different vet clinic than the one I took Tomi to, hoping they would be a little better with FeLV, but even though they are twice as expensive, I don't think they are any better. They have a pretty bleak outlook on FeLV as well, though they are trying to help at least.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

I can completely understand how overwhelmed and disheartened you must feel right now Cassandra. You need to shake that off if you can. Concentrate instead on keeping your spirits up and doing everything possible to help Kisa feel more comfortable and regain her health. Who knows why these things seem to come out of nowhere and heap themselves one on top of the other. I too had years of healthy "no problem" animals and then boom! One after the other started falling ill to things I'd never even heard of before. Instead of wondering 'why', or even wondering 'why now', be thankful for all those wonderful years of blissful ignorance. One obstacle at a time, one day at a time. Celebrate every little success and esp celebrate every moment you have with your loved ones. You can do this, you can and you will for Kisa's sake.

Talk to your vet about injectable steroids and transdermal appetite stimulants. If Kisa is vomiting, then she would probably benefit from some sort of anti-nausea med as well. Get her meds in forms that don't have to be administered by mouth to lessen the stress and possibility of them not staying down. I don't know if it's appropriate, but you might want to ask your vet about different steroids like dex or depro. Depro is longer acting and dex is fast acting. It was nothing short of amazing how much better my Spencer felt, (and ate), after starting small dose daily dex shots subq at home. Are you giving Kisa subq fluids at home? Sometimes fluids can make them feel better all by themselves. If she starts feeling better, she's liable to start eating better.

Has your vet consulted with or have you brought Kisa to an oncologist? I get it about the money factor too. Sometimes all we can do does not include the heavy financial costs involved with specialists. It sucks, but that's the way it is sometimes. Just do the best you can with the resources you've got. Ask trusted vets to use their intuition and to suggest, based on their experience, the most cost effective treatment plans.
Please keep us informed, we're all pulling for you guys,

C & J wrote:
Well, after going to the vet today, it's not looking good for Kisa.
She has elevated bilirubin in her blood/urine, and elevated number of lymphocytes. Therefore they believe she has a liver disease, possibly lymphosarcoma. The only way they can tell for sure what the problem is with her liver is to do a biopsy which means surgery. They didn't suggest doing this though because of the FeLV and her immune system being compromised. They gave me prednisone and baytril for her, though i'm really not sure how she'll handle keeping those down when she is vomiting so easily. They're hoping the steroid will make her feel a little better and maybe regain some appetite. I've really got to try and get her to eat something, she hasn't eaten since Saturday night now. I don't understand why this is all happening at once. First I watched Tomi get sicker and sicker for nearly 2 months. As soon as he started getting better, Koda got sick with kidney and liver failure, and died. Now, barely a week later Kisa goes from being a super healthy and active cat to death's door. I haven't even had enough time to get used to Koda being gone, now its another crisis situation. This is all after having nothing but healthy, happy, and active cats for 12 years. I used to think how awful it would be if my house burned down while I was away and my 5 cats were inside. What is happening now is almost worse than that since it is so prolonged and i'm beginning to wonder if something I am doing is causing all this (like feeding raw food). I've always kept my cats indoors because I didn't want them to get run over by a car, etc....but they seem to be no safer indoors. Sorry for venting on you all, its just really starting to affect me, both emotionally and financially.

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