
I just read this email.  How is Kisa doing today?  I
am not caught up yet.  I hope she's better.  Prayers
going out for both of you.


--- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, after going to the vet today, it's not looking
> good for Kisa.
> She has elevated bilirubin in her blood/urine, and
> elevated number of lymphocytes.  Therefore they
> believe she has a liver disease, possibly
> lymphosarcoma.
> The only way they can tell for sure what the problem
> is with her liver is to do a biopsy which means
> surgery.    They didn't suggest doing this though
> because of the FeLV and her immune system being
> compromised.
> They gave me prednisone and baytril for her, though
> i'm really not sure how she'll handle keeping those
> down when she is vomiting so easily.  They're hoping
> the steroid will make her feel a little better and
> maybe regain some appetite.
> I've really got to try and get her to eat something,
> she hasn't eaten since Saturday night now.
> I don't understand why this is all happening at
> once.  First I watched Tomi get sicker and sicker
> for nearly 2 months.  As soon as he started getting
> better, Koda got sick with kidney and liver failure,
> and died.  Now, barely a week later Kisa goes from
> being a super healthy and active cat to death's
> door.  I haven't even had enough time to get used to
> Koda being gone, now its another crisis situation.
> This is all after having nothing but healthy, happy,
> and active cats for 12 years.
> I used to think how awful it would be if my house
> burned down while I was away and my 5 cats were
> inside.  What is happening now is almost worse than
> that since it is so prolonged and i'm beginning to
> wonder if something I am doing is causing all this
> (like feeding raw food).  I've always kept my cats
> indoors because I didn't want them to get run over
> by a car, etc....but they seem to be no safer
> indoors.
> Sorry for venting on you all, its just really
> starting to affect me, both emotionally and
> financially.
> Cassandra

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