You should be giving her subqs at least! You are fast approaching the point, if not already there yet, where if you are not going to put in a tube to feed her & you are not going to consult an oncologist, that continuing as she is now would be only prolonging her suffering. She is not going to just slip away naturally & peacefully. She is very sick, with hepatic lipidosis on top of everything else, plus her body is starving. If nothing further is going to be done for her beyond what has been, which clearly is not helping, then you must consider letting her go. This is not going to turn around without serious intervention. I am not talking surgery, I am talking about insertion of a feeding tube to get critical nourishment into her & extend her life long enough to see an oncologist & find out where or what the cancer is & whether treatable or not. If that isn't going to be done, then there is no hope & you MUST consider her clearly declining quality of life & let her go.


C & J wrote:
Kisa isn't doing very well so far. Over the last week, she's been getting more lethargic day by day. And now she's at the point where all she does is hide/sleep. When we bring her out of her hiding spot, she vomits almost immediately. The Chloropromazine didn't help the vomiting, so I stopped giving it.

The vomiting makes the syringe feeding all the more difficult because if we feed her every four-five hours, she vomits up a fair bit of the prior feeding. I'm going to have to feed her a couple of times a day, and leave it at that. I think food may be the least of her worries right now. She's probably getting dehydrated from all the vomiting, though I don't know how to tell that for sure. Her "third eyelid" is very noticeable now. She shows very little interest in drinking, mainly just sticks her paws in the water and sniffs it.

Plus, even though i've been syringe feeding her since wednesday, I seriously doubt she's pooped at all. I'm not sure where the food is going after it goes in.

She's not very responsive either, anymore. She will purr a bit when I pet her, but that's about it.

I've been trying to find an oncologist, but i'm not sure she's even strong enough to handle an anesthetic and a liver biopsy, or feeding tube insertion anymore. Considering the vet clinics i've called don't know of an oncologist, i'm doubting I can find one anywhere nearby.

This is just so frustrating, but I guess I need to remember that even in people, once cancer gets into the liver, there's usually not much more that can be done. I know someone right now who has cancer, and since the cancer went into her liver, the doctors have stopped aggressive treatment. She has only painkillers and 6 months to live.

Everytime I think of how full of life and mischief Kisa was only a week ago, I begin a new batch of tears. She was absolutely fearless, I could vacuum her off, nothing would scare her. Everytime I had an empty box or bag out, she would be in it. She carried a little stuffed panda around all the time, and would proudly announce she had something special in her mouth. No matter where I hid that panda, she would find it. She could break into anything, including the closets.

She's always been so loving and gentle too. I could pet her belly, the only cat that would let me do that. And when she played, she would be so gentle when chewing on your fingers, I always thought she would make the perfect kitty for a child to play with.

It's so depressing to lose the special kitties, the ones that can cheer you up after a long day at work. It's going to take me a long time to get over the last 3 months, going through this process 3 times. And I know at any time, Tomi could get sick again.

I'm sorry for being so long-winded, I just can't seem to focus on anything else other than my kitties these days.


----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 2:00 PM
Subject: To Cassandra Re: Kisa


I agree with what everyone says here, but am keeping
in mind that you are limited to location and funding.
That being said, even if Kisa does not get chemo, she
does need the combo dexamethasone/depomedrol shots.
They will not cure anything, but will keep her very
comfortable up to her passing if you choose not to do
chemo.  They are steroids, but much stronger than
prednisone.  I am so sorry Kisa is having to go
through this (and you as well).  Prayers going out for
both of you.  Please keep us posted.


--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I just read this email.  How is Kisa doing today?  I
am not caught up yet.  I hope she's better.  Prayers
going out for both of you.


--- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, after going to the vet today, it's not
> good for Kisa.
> She has elevated bilirubin in her blood/urine, and
> elevated number of lymphocytes.  Therefore they
> believe she has a liver disease, possibly
> lymphosarcoma.
> The only way they can tell for sure what the
> is with her liver is to do a biopsy which means
> surgery.    They didn't suggest doing this though
> because of the FeLV and her immune system being
> compromised.
> They gave me prednisone and baytril for her,
> i'm really not sure how she'll handle keeping
> down when she is vomiting so easily.  They're
> the steroid will make her feel a little better and
> maybe regain some appetite.
> I've really got to try and get her to eat
> she hasn't eaten since Saturday night now.
> I don't understand why this is all happening at
> once.  First I watched Tomi get sicker and sicker
> for nearly 2 months.  As soon as he started
> better, Koda got sick with kidney and liver
> and died.  Now, barely a week later Kisa goes from
> being a super healthy and active cat to death's
> door.  I haven't even had enough time to get used
> Koda being gone, now its another crisis situation.
> This is all after having nothing but healthy,
> and active cats for 12 years.
> I used to think how awful it would be if my house
> burned down while I was away and my 5 cats were
> inside.  What is happening now is almost worse
> that since it is so prolonged and i'm beginning to
> wonder if something I am doing is causing all this
> (like feeding raw food).  I've always kept my cats
> indoors because I didn't want them to get run over
> by a car, etc....but they seem to be no safer
> indoors.
> Sorry for venting on you all, its just really
> starting to affect me, both emotionally and
> financially.
> Cassandra

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