Oh--I forgot.  Little Sammy also takes interferon.

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 28, 2007, at 11:55 AM, Lance wrote:


I'm not a vet, but my sense is that boosting the immune system will help with the stomatitis. I'm using Liquid DMG and Transfer Factor on my cat. My homeopathic vet, like yours, tends to feel good about the use of DMG. Vetri-Science also makes a Maitake-DMG Liquid, which contains additional ingredients to aid the immune system. It's more expensive, but since a bottle of DMG can last Ember three months easily, I'm considering it.

I should note that, if you have the time and the resources, Virbagen Omega has been known to clear up stomatitis. It's very expensive stuff, and it must be imported after the FDA clears your vet for its use. It's been used in the treatment of FeLV+ cats by several on the list, and it seems to help them a lot, even if they're not doing well. Since it requires time to apply for the VO and then get it into the States, it's good to start the process if it's something you think you might want down the road.

As far as food is concerned, you may have seen my mention of Innova EVO over on the Yahoo! group. My cat loves it, and the others around here do, too. I think it would draw MeMe away from the Fancy Feast, and it's very wholesome stuff. Unlike most canned cat foods, it contains no grains.

I'll keep little MeMe in my prayers.


On May 28, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Jane Lyons wrote:

thank you all for your encouragement and sound advise.

Has anyone been able to cure stomatitis ?
We are working on diarrhea, giardia (which is probably
causing the diarrhea) sneezing (which is beginning to subside)
and a clear discharge from her eyes.

My homeopathic vet is hopeful that a new probiotic (FortiFlora)
will help boost her immunity. She also prescribed liquid DMG and
Archetype, which she does not like. I am trying to wean her from
Fancy Feast with a variety of organic raw meat/foul that she shows no
interest in.

I wish I could send a photo of her on the top branch of a 60'magnolia
the day before the diagnosis. She gets up and down trees faster than
squirrels do. My vet said she cannot go out, but I have not had the heart to tell her. I just want her to be happy. She hangs out directly under a
bird feeder, hidden in liriope with the tips of her ears showing.


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