I've also know some folks use Valium. One source on the internet praised Prosac. I don't know much about it from personal experience.


On May 29, 2007, at 10:28 AM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

I have heard Elavil works well for some.  My Shimmer is on the highest
allowable dose and pees on everything anyway.

On 5/29/07, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Some in our group have had great luck using Elavil for cats that pee
inappropriately.  I think the way it was done, was to  give it orally
(or use ear cream) for 2 weeks, then gradually reduce it (like every
other day) until the behavior showed up again, then administer as
appropriate (weekly, daily, every two days, etc).


On May 29, 2007, at 10:08 AM, wendy wrote:

> Anita,
> Maybe changing his name would help...lol.
> ;)
> Wendy
> --- Stray Cat Alliance
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ever since we added 2 kittens to our household last
>> July (they were initially fosters but due to illness
>> and other issues we ended up keeping them), our cat
>> Stinky (how appropro) has been peeing everywhere.
>> Thank goodness we have only one area rug -- which of
>> course, he does not pee on. He pees on vertical
>> surfaces such as furniture like the stereo stand,
>> walls, in front of the front and basement doors.
>> Ugh. Our house smells like vinegar and the furniture
>> is ruined. My husband keeps saying, we have to "get
>> rid of" Stinky. I'm like -- I don't think so. We'll
>> just have to deal with it. He is at least 7 years
>> old and hopefully if we ever get to move to a bigger
>> house, it will stop.
>> Anita
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