All these ideas are so great!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 29, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Nina wrote:

Hey Anita,
This is one of my worst nightmares. The apathy in my less than desirable neighborhood causes my overcrowded rescue efforts, but it also has the benefit of protecting me from just this sort of thing. I know how distasteful this suggestion is going to sound, but I think your best bet is to muster the stomach to appease this horrible new neighbor of yours. People like this are desperate for attention. Give it to him! If I were you, I'd go over there and tell him that even though these animals are "strays", you love them and feel responsible for them. Let him know you understand why he's upset and, if he'll let you, tell him what you are planing to do to rectify the situation. Ask him to allow you a time frame to see if your ideas are working, (maybe a month). Don't make suggestions about what he could do, ask him to let you do these things FOR him. Clean out his landing, spray cat-be-gone products, block the entrance, pour wood chips in any area that looks like a cat might use to relieve themselves. Enlist his "help" by asking him to let you know if he spots any cats on his property and to call you so you can come and clean up any "messes" they make. I would tell him you are sorry that you got off on the wrong foot and maybe even apologize for my husband's rudeness, (very difficult to do, I know). In short kiss this guy's ass! Believe me, I understand how hard this might be to do, but you have to think of the end result. You don't want him calling animal control, and you certainly don't want him putting poison down for your unsuspecting cats. Nip this feud in the bud, it's not about you, it's about the safety of your babies. I would figure out some sort of enclosure if you can and start trapping asap. I'm sorry this has happened. Please let us know how it is going,

Stray Cat Alliance wrote:
Do you believe this story....every day, I feed my front yard and back yard cats (I love in a townhome attached on both sides)..and have done so since we moved into the City in 1998. Last May my elderly neighbor moved out (she was pet friendly and had volunteered at the Humane Society) and new neighbors moved in (no pets).

Over the weekend, I was cleaning out my backyard house of straw from winter and the husband neighbor came over and said a cat was pooping in the landing of his basement steps. I said I feed only stray cats and you can't control where they go as you can't control the birds pooping where they want. He said you don't walk in bird poop. But in any case, I said to let me think about the situation as it never happened before. So I went in and got a plastic bag and cleaned up the poop as I didn't want any problems. Funny that noone ever pooped in our landing but ours smells a lot better - not that musty yuck smell.

Then that night, in the middle of the night, I realized the one thing that changed was my husband put stone along the only grassy section in the backyard. In the morning, I asked my husband to move the stones as I figured that would probably make it stop if it was indeed a cat/s.

Then, the door bell rings and my neighbor wants to speak to my husband. Of course, it was about the cats. My husband said it might not be a cat/s, there are skunks and possums. And just to put some wood out to block the cat/s or animal/s from going down the steps to the landing.

Then the neighbor says if it doesn't stop he's going to kill them! Then my husband said he couldn't do that or he'd go to jail -- and my husband said then he didn't have time to argue about it and came in.

Now, I am worried about the kitties! I would love to take still somewhat feral Mom cat (tho she lets me pet her) from the front inside but I have way too many cats and doubt she'd appreciate it. If we ever move, she is definitely coming.

I am crossing my fingers and hoping this blows over.

Thanks for listening, I know I am rather long winded!


"Every year shelters kill almost 5,000,000 cats, dogs, puppies & kittens.

Most were beautiful, loving creatures (even feral cats!) that died simply because they did not have a home.
Every puppy or kitten born costs a shelter animal its life.

Save lives, spay-neuter, support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) & adopt for life!"

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