I know it's hard, believe me I know and I'm not saying don't have your moments of sadness, they are going to creep in just don't do it in front of Kisa, try to always feel positive around her and picture her getting better and keeping her food down. When your alone and Kisa is not nearby and your feeling stressed go ahead and have a good cry, then pick yourself up and put all the stress and fear behind you and think she is getting better, she will keep her food, her health is improving.

What was her HCT, how anemic is she? Is she getting any nutrived to help with that?

PS. I know because when Fred has his bad days and doesn't want to eat as well I think, oh no things are changing, it could be the start of a downward spiral, but them I remember his weight is good, in fact with his arthritis acting up maybe too good!! I just try to remember with Fred at a very good weight now if he eats a little less one day it's not a big deal as long as its only for a day and I keep a close eye on his weight so if it becomes a problem I'll know immediately and will be taking him in. I would not hesitate to get a feeding tube again if he needs one.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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