He's a happy boy right now :0)  I picked up a nice pair of toe nail clippers
for the kids today.  Getting them to be still with no one to help is going
to be an adventure for all of us!


On 6/5/07, Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OH, POOR PHELIX!  And poor you!  It's awful to feel guilty so don't do
 "Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

 On Jun 4, 2007, at 10:03 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

 Phelix was taking care of me today because I home and not feeling
well.  He's always by my side and took a nap with me.  He's the one with
allergies that was born with only one eye.  He's been scratching a lot
lately and I woke up and looked at him and he couldn't open his eye!  And
there was blood.  I nearly panicked.

I didn't care how bad I felt - I was getting that boy to the doctor.

By the time we got there - he was looking a lot better and looking around
- no bleeding - but I was so worried and I really need to protect his one
good eye.  They examined it and put drops in and looked to make sure he
hadn't scratched his cornea.  They also checked his ears - they look
good...and checked for fleas (he doesn't have any).

The vet thinks that when Phelix was scratching, his dew claw caught his
eye and ripped through the bottom eyelid.  They trimmed those for me and
gave him a steroid shot because he's really been itchy lately (his tummy is
bald but his ears have really been itchy).  They gave him some salve for me
to use in his eye 2-3 times a day -- it just says 'BNP-HC ophth. ointment'.
It has an antibiotic and a steroid in it.  Since Phelix's ears are so itchy,
we're going to do the tresoderm a few days too just to be extra sure.

I feel bad because I'm not very good about keeping toenails trimmed....but
I sure will from now on!  Thank goodness I was home when that happened.  It
looks much, much better now and Phelix keeps telling me it was no big deal.

Just thought I'd pass that along in case it would help someone else.

Phelix thinks it is his god-given right to go outside everyday when I get
home and roll in the lavender.  He'll let me know if I'm not fast enough
letting him out.  Today when I took him in the girls kept saying --- Phelix
smells like lavender!!  :0)  He's such a ladies man.

All good thoughts to you and your fur babies.


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