I feed my dogs, and have fed my former cats a raw diet.
I follow both Dr Richard Pitcairn and Dr Ian Billinghurst's "species appropriate"
concepts and recipes.
Both my dogs and cats have thrived on it. Both the vets I use (allopathic and homeopathic) think that if I can wean MeMe from "crack" to a raw diet, it would
help her immune system. I have not been able to, although I keep trying.
Anyone who is interested in raw feeding might read:
Dr. Ian Billinghurst ; The BARF Diet
Dr. Richard Pitcairn ; Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
Also, there is a Yahoo group called "Raw Paws" which is primarily for cats. There are a great many people knowledgeable in feline nutrition, although no one there
has real experience with FeLV positive cats.



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