Hi Jean,

I'm sorry Wallace is having such a time!  One thought
I had that may not be an issue, but it's worth
mentioning: I did think hyperT because I have one at
home.  When they did his bloodwork, did they do a T4
test (or maybe it's free T4)?  I know some thyroid
tests will come back normal, while another will show
hyperT.  I would ask my vet about this.  You still
have the mass though, and that's scary.  But don't
jump to cancer just yet.  It could be other things. 
Could be constipation possibly.  Like you said, it
could be the plastic.  I guess you will know more this
week.  When are they doing the biopsy?  Shouldn't they
X-Ray the abdomen first to see if there's something in
there before they go cutting into him?  Or is that
what the sonogram is for?  

The not eating could be behavioral like you said.  Can
you separate him, and see if he likes that?  Some cats

CRF will cause the dehydration, so the subQ is good
for that.  Did the vet say he was CRF?  Keep up with
the assist feeding.  Bless you for doing that.  It's
never easy.  Our Julie is CRF and hyperT, 6.7 lbs (up
2 oz's since Feb!) and urinates an awful lot.  She's
going strong though.  Had these issues for a year now,
so don't freak out too much about the kidneys because
they can work at a very reduced efficiency for a long
time before they give out.  

Lymphoma does occur in FeLV- cats.  My mom's cat was
just diagnosed with it, but we don't think she's
FeLV+.  The vet didn't say she was, but then again,
she may never have been tested.     

Prayers going out for improved health for Wallace and
peace for you.  He's so young, so there's a good
chance he's still got a lot of years ahead.  Keep your
chin up.


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