
I am so, so sorry that Kisa didn't pull through.  I
know you are disappointed and hurting right now.  It
is a good thing that she is not in anymore pain.  You
tried SO hard to save that little one.  Bless you for
taking the time to do all you could for her.  

I watched Animal Cops on Animal Planet last night and
this poor dog in NYC came in and his body temp. was 84
degrees; the vet said he didn't think an animal could
live with that low of a temp-he'd certainly never seen
it.  He had a horrible skin infection and a bacterial
infection and he was starving; he looked HORRIBLE. 
His owner never took him to the vet and wasn't feeding
him.  Luckily, someone called, and the animal control
police confiscated the dog.  The vet was able to save
him.  It was a miracle and the dog is beautiful now. 
He's a Cano Corso (sp?) from South America.  I thought
of you.  I thought of how much you were doing for Kisa
and it was the complete opposite of how this owner
neglected his dog.  People who love their animals like
you do should be given the medal of honor for all they
do for their pets.  Their furbabies who are unable to
help themselves.  They can't go to the store and buy
food for themselves.  They can't visit a doctor by
themselves.  But the loving people here on this site
and all over the world who care for their animals are
one of the things that makes the world bearable for
me.  I hope every single one of them is blessed in a
very special way.

I know your heart is broken.  I pray that it heals
quickly and that you are able to let the good memories
of Kisa comfort you while you heal.  She probably
slept on your pillow as her way of saying good-bye and
that she loves you and she's going to be ok on the
other side.  

If you need anything, or just to vent, please post or
you can email me off list.  
Thinking of you and Kisa...


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