I'm so jealous you're getting a cat enclosure! I'm going to beg and plead
with my husband!

With my Bandit, he reacts the same way when he's got an abscess, but I've
never taken his temp. His thick fur has hid those abscesses for quite a
while at times.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dede hicken
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:08 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Ki

Just when you are feeling smug...I looked at Ki
yesterday, and he just didn't look quite right. 
Picked him up and he yowled, and tried to bite me. 
Not like him at all.

Took his temp (have 2 bites on my hand to prove it)
and it was 106.  I couldn't believe it.  Gave him some
fluids.  Another bite. And went to the vet.  They are
calling it FUO, fever of unknown origin.  She gave him
something for the fever, and a penecillin shot. 

He is in a foul mood, but eating well.  Still doesn't
want to be touched.  His gums look good.  I wonder if
someone bit him, and it is the beginning of an abcess?

On the bright side, they are finishing the cat
enclosure on Sat...Yippeee!!!

Have a nice day, everyone,

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the
service of your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
that gives answers, not web links. 

  • RE: Ki Melissa Lind

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