Hi Dede
I don't have any information about antibiotics, but now
would be the time to do the FortiFlora, if you haven't already
begun. Hopefully the Baytril will do the trick. A sore tail might
make him feel sad, especially if the circumstance wasn't to his
Hoping the boy begins to perk up.
Please let us know.
On Jun 19, 2007, at 2:33 PM, dede hicken wrote:

No idea.  The vet changed him to baytril.  I looked up
his records, and saw that he was on that the last time
he did this, which ws in Nov of 06.  He seemed to have
a sore tail then, and we figured someone bit him.  He
won't eat, but I will give him some more AD, and do
fluids.  Hopefully the Baytril will kick in.

He just looks so sad, but he is waking around. I am
not going to put him back into the general population
of cats after this.

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