I was just there yesterday!  I live in Woodstock, but we have a place on Lake 
  I would say the majority of the people on this list mix their positive and 
negative cats as long as they are adults and have been vaccinated.  I have done 
this over 10 years with no problems.
  I can't tell you dosages, because I don't give DD anything special except 
'good' food.  (Whatever that may be these days)  Royal Canin.

Laura Mostello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jane suggested that I ask the list for food
recommendations for Duncan. What would you all
suggest? She also mentioned some supplements, like
lysine and maitake. I know that these are readily
available at health food stores, but I'd like to know
about the dosage amount and frequency. Right now
Duncan's appetite is excellent, and I'd like to keep
it that way.
He isn't my only cat, by the way. There are 8 others!
All were saved from the euthanasia list at work.
Duncan lives separately, in my tortoise room. This is
probably a really stupid question, but I'll ask it
anyway. I understand that FeLV is primarily
transmitted through saliva, and that very casual
contact between cats is probably not enough to cause
infection. Are there other modes of transmission that
I should worry about? If he's walking around in the
tortoise room, should I be concerned that I'm bringing
the virus into other areas of my house on my shoes?
I'm being really, really fussy in order to prevent
cross-contamination, but perhaps I don't need to
nitpick quite so much.
Oh, Tonya, I live in Villa Rica, in Carroll county.
Where are you located?

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