All I know is what my vet told me.  I guess I am the
idiot for trusting him.  I will do research about it. 
I'm sorry I can't get on this site everyday to read
what people post.

Cindy Reasoner

--- MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the "new" calici virus is neither new, nor a virus.
> like FIP, what has occurred, very infrequently, and
> only in hospital and
> shelter environments a FEW times since first
> identified is a MUTATED FORM OF
> been a different form,
> which means that NO VACCINE IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO
> why do you think there isn't an HIV vaccine
> yet??????
> this is a HUGE money-making scam by ft dodge. both
> phaewyrn and i have
> collected lots of data on this, and posted it to the
> lists. please go back
> in archives and do real research.
> read the CURRENT vaccine protocol at the uc davis
> site, or any of the other
> vet school sites. please.
> i can post all the info on the calici virus when i
> have a chance--if anyone
> who still reads this list has the copy i sent out a
> month or so ago, when ft
> dodge decided to capitalize on everyone's
> pet-food-recall panic, PLEASE post
> it AGAIN for people.
> MC who is, frankly, tired of repeating herself.
> On 6/21/07, MaryChristine
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On 6/21/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > The new calici virus, again, I think is scare
> tactics.
> > >
> > > The vaccine is made by Fort Dodge, and Ft Dodge
> is trying to make $
> > > off it.  They are the same ones who make the FIP
> vaccine.  I do not
> > > use Ft Dodge vaccines on my cats.  Again, this
> is something my vet has
> > > never seen a case of, no one has been able to
> prove it even exists.
> > >
> > > If you want the most recent recommendations for
> vaccines, go to the
> > > AAFP website and look.  I believe they publish
> them yearly.
> > >
> > > On 6/21/07, cindy reasoner <
> > > > I have had my cats vaccinated every year but I
> need to
> > > > talk to my vet about it.  I sure don't want to
> take
> > > > any chances.  Have any of you heard of this
> new strain
> > > > of calici virus?  My vet sent a letter out to
> all his
> > > > clients owned by cats.  You have to go for a
> booster
> > > > then go back in 3 weeks for the last shot. 
> The letter
> > > > said that the cat didn't have to come in
> contact with
> > > > the infected cat.  We can bring it in to them.
>  It is
> > > > highly contagious and a perfectly healthy cat
> can die
> > > > within days if exposed.  My vet was even
> considering
> > > > making it mandatory that all of their feline
> clients
> > > > be vaccinated for this.  He told me about a
> vet in the
> > > > northeast that had an infected cat come in and
> I think
> > > > he said that vet's office couldn't have any
> cats in
> > > > there for something like 45 days until they
> > > > disinfected the office and were sure there was
> no more
> > > > danger from exposure.  I have 8 cats and I
> just got
> > > > through with the 2nd shot for all of them. 
> This
> > > > disease just sounded to scary to take a
> chance.  All
> > > > of my cats are inside cats.  They never go
> out.  I
> > > > think where I live (Tennessee)it is a law that
> you
> > > > have to have your pets vaccinated for rabies. 
> I am
> > > > not sure though.
> > > >
> > > > Cindy Reasoner
> > > >
> > > > --- elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I lost my Felicity to vaccine-related fibro
> sarcoma
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > They've changed the vaccine now,
> however...there is
> > > > > less risk.  There is
> > > > > still risk, however.
> > > > >
> > > > > I can tell you though that with an
> aggressive fibro
> > > > > sarcoma, amputating the
> > > > > paw can prolong the life but it cannot save
> it.
> > > > > Felicity had her leg
> > > > > amputated.  A very sad and heart-wrenching
> story.
> > > > > The survival rate even
> > > > > for humans with this type of cancer is
> abysmal.
> > > > >
> > > > > I'm glad to hear there is on-going research.
> > > > >
> > > > > It's a difficult call.  Some vaccines are
> formulated
> > > > > to be given every three
> > > > > years.  Others are formulated for every
> year.  Many
> > > > > say you don't want to
> > > > > give a vaccine yearly formulated vaccine
> every 3
> > > > > years.  There have also
> > > > > been tests that indicate the three year
> vaccines are
> > > > > less effective.  I'm
> > > > > told that currently the best  way to ensure
> you
> > > > > aren't over vaccinating is
> > > > > to have blood work done for titers...but you
> could
> > > > > still end up paying for
> > > > > that test and still have to pay for the
> vaccine too.
> > > > >
> > > > > My vet doesn't like to vaccinate
> immuno-compromised
> > > > > or geriatric cats.  I
> > > > > confess that I am very shell-shocked from my
> > > > > experience with Felicity...and
> > > > > I do not have my cats vaccinated every year.
>  It
> > > > > might make more sense to
> > > > > have them vaccinated more often if they were
> outdoor
> > > > > types. I really think
> > > > > that if we still had FeVL+ babies living
> with us, I
> > > > > would have them
> > > > > vaccinated more often.
> > > > >
> > > > > I've lost babies to the vaccine - and I've
> lost a
> > > > > baby to FeVL+.  Both are
> > > > > heart-wrenching.
> > > > >
> > > > > elizabeth
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On 6/21/07, Jane Lyons
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The risk of vaccination and sarcoma is not
> > > > > inconsequential.
> > > > > > Many veterinarians have altered their
> vaccination
> > > > > protocols to
> > > > > > every three years because recent studies
> that have
> > > > > indicated we are
> > > > > > over vaccinating our animals. In many
> instances
> > > > > one vaccination
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