I agree, Wendy.

The full story is on the Bexar County Humane Society website in their 
archives. Maybe 2002. feb. was the month.

We have some photos, or used to, on our Siamese Rescue Ausitn branch 

Princess Purrla is not in the photos, she is camera shy.

It was an eye opening experience for me, the first of many situations I 
found myself in, when working in a shelter and being "on call" to help.

One of the important things was, when Sheila, (Dr. Smith's wife) Julia w/ 
ASR & 2 other co workers went to the SA shelter help them, it was important 
to make that their Staff was taken care of too.

They were out trapping the cats, and we went there everyday from Asutin 
(once again, in really bad icey weather, unusual for this part of the 
country), and we would intake the cats straight from the traps and bathe 
them (they were covered in blood, mud & feces), draw blood for testing, 
lance abcesses (many had these, even form injection sites or from being 
bitten by each other, they were canabalizing), and imputing the info into 
the database.

The rest of their clinic staff still had to perform the day to day ops of 
the shelter, since it is a fairly big shelter.

In otherwords, we drove down to do the dirty work for them, the staff was 
"punch drunk" from  the whole incident.

That's what it is about, teamwork.......

And making sure people are taking care of themselves, too.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

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