Mary Christine,

I don't know if you realize it, but lately, you are
not the kind, helpful person that I met here a year
and a half ago.  You are coming off as a know-it-all
who gets exhasperated when someone doesn't remember
something you posted months ago, or doesn't read every
post that comes through on this site.  

And I quote, "i get tired, sometimes, of responding to
every bit of misinformation, and i'd passed my quota
for that day."  And then there's, "no, ALL cats do NOT
carry the corona virus. please get your facts straight
before posting things."  And who can forget, "MC who
is, frankly, tired of repeating herself" posted in
June referencing something you posted in April!  You
are treating people here like children instead of
adults.  I feel so grateful that people were here to
help me when Cricket died, I don't mind repeating the
same thing a thousand times, if it's going to help
someone.  If you feel put out having to repeat things,
then don't respond.  We have to keep in mind that we
are going to repeat things over and over, by the sheer
nature of what this site is designed to do: help new
people who come along who need guidance and
encouragement in dealing with FeLV.  And keep in mind,
some people do not know there are archives.  

I completely disagree with your attitude towards this
site that it is now unhelpful and constantly putting
forth incorrect information, and that too much chit
chat is going on.  I do research for a living; I
certainly have the ability to look things up online
and in fact, do it all day.  But not everyone is
familiar or comfortable enough to do good research
online; some people don't know how to tell the
difference between valid and invalid information if
they haven't had a lot of experience on a computer or
with the Internet.  And not all people have the same
amount of free time that others do to conduct
research.  That's a few ways we can help here.  We
should not make people feel stupid for asking
questions or posting responses.  So what if all the
information posted is not completely accurate?  The
incorrect information you are ranting about is often
not that big of a deal.  It's not like anyone is
telling people to feed bleach to their cat!  That's
why there are other people on this site; to correct
RESPECTFULLY if needed.  If there were no information
at all, then where would sick cats be?  We are blessed
to have this site.  

A little OT is ok once in a while, and even refreshing
sometimes, like jokes or photos or poems that are
posted.  I don't have time for the OT list; I do good
to keep up with this one, so I appreciate a little OT
sometimes.  We can't expect people to go join every
list that deals with every specific OT thing, when
there are a lot of knowledgeable people here.  And
btw, here are a few OT things I found in the archives
that you penned:
(Thanksgiving card)
(FIV cats need home)
(on AC talk)

Why was ok for you to "chit chat" then, but not for us
to now???

We should be treating each other with kindness. We
should be working as a team; not in opposition to one
another.  Personally, I am getting a little tired of
hearing people get picked on on this site lately.  We
can disagree RESPECTFULLY!  And we should always try
to remain encouraging.  Otherwise, we risk turning
people away who may need help, and ultimately being
indirectly responsible for the premature deaths of
some cats, that might have otherwise been saved here
had their owners felt comfortable asking questions at
a warm and inviting site.

PLEASE BE KIND!!!!  It's not that hard!


On Jun 30, 2007, at 1:12 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

yes WE do know that there is more than one strain.

and if WE didn't know before yesterday, when sally
posted the most up-to-date version of the merck
veterinary manual's section on FeLV, WE should know it

and if WE really wanted to know, simply do a google
search for, "strains of FeLV."

THIS is why this list is no longer the incredible
resource it once was. incomplete, inaccurate,
out-of-date information; wrong information
consistently being REposted; an absolute inability to
look things up in the archives or on-line so that the
same discussions are continually recycled, with the
same people having to put out corrected information to
counter the bad. way too much chit-chat that has
nothing to do with FeLV and belongs on the OT list.
> >
> > pleh.
> >
> >
> > -- 
> >
> > Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> > Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> >
> > MaryChristine
> >
> > AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> > ICQ: 289856892

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