Since 2001, I've had 9 FELV+ kitties (I have to list them: Calawalla Banana Booboo, Mittens Mr. Black Kitty, Dallas, Houston, Felicity, Chloe, Oliver, B.B.).

The first 5 are now dead, all but one died at age 2.5-3 years. Actually I never know how old Mr. Black Kitty was - he looked old, but probably was not.

The last 4 are alive, and 3 of them are over 10 years old (and have had the virus a while, before I got them). B.B. is 4+ years old.

I have not had any live past 2.5-3 years old. if I got any more that were younger than that age, I'd put them on daily low-dose oral interferon alpha, with the theory that the dose supplements what their body isn't successfully creating to support the immune system.


On Jul 14, 2007, at 2:53 AM, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO wrote:


- about 2/3 of kitties who are exponsed to the virus end up throw off the virus - and, I believe that chances are better if a kitty is older when they are actually exposed to the virus.

There is no way for us to know how reliable this statisic informaiton is -- but we know that it does happen..

Though your kitty may not throw off the virus, it does not mean the immediate death sentense... There are many people on the list whose felk kitties live for a long time healthfully -- so , please don't be in despair..
----- Original Message -----
From: glenda Goodman
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: FELV kittens

Heather, I read your email...never tried to answer an
email on this site, so hope it works...Anyway, I feel
very sorry for you and the kitties. I am new to this
site too. After I found out I had a FeLV+ kitten about
a month ago, I discovered this site and have been
reading everything possible trying to understand these
diseases and find hope for the kitten I have.I have a
little girl, Bengal mix, intelligent,
so beautiful and so healthy, but FeLV+...
 My vet told me there is a chance when the FeLV comes
through the queen there is a chance the kittens could
beat the disease with good diet and environments, no
stress and could someday test negative. If there is
anyone out there that can give people in our situation
some hope our kittens can beat this disease please
share what you know that we do not...Thank you.
Meanwhile Heather, good-luck to you with finding
someone wonderful enough to help you with those
kitties...Glenda Larsen in Nebraska
--- Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello-
> I am new to this group, having  trapped an injured
> Mom kitty at my new job,
> who turned out to be FELV & FIV positive and a
> nursing Mom.  This was in
> April, I had 3 injured cats in my first two weeks of
> changing jobs, I work
> with ferals and it's been one of those's
> especially sad as I'm
> told someone trapped this Mom last year, she was not
> injured at the time,
> they got a kitten from her that was negative (so she
> may have been as well),
> and she went back out unspayed even though they
> (incorrectly) thought she
> was declawed.   This whole thing could have been
> avoided, and Mom is a very
> sad kitty who has obviously been hurt by this world.
>  She has an eye and ear
> injury and is very meek and depressed.
> Of her kittens, two initiallly tested + for both
> FELV & FIV, two only + for
> FIV....sadly, they have now retested + for leukemia.
>  Three cleared the FIV,
> the fourth may have as well but the person who has
> him has not retested yet
> (I have no control over this unless I take the
> kitten from her permanently
> and have not been able to find a foster, I have no
> room whatsoever myself,
> it's been a somewhat unfriendly situation of impasse
> in dealing with the
> ladies at work as they've wanted me to place them
> asap and me only having a
> sanctuary option available a little further down the
> road).  The kittens are
> approx. 4 months old and very social.
> We haven't been able to find homes or foster homes
> and the ladies who
> currently have them had given me until June 30 to
> find homes or fosters or
> they would have them euthanized.  They haven't done
> so yet but one is taking
> hers to a different (very large, over 700 cats)
> sanctuary this Sunday, which
> I am troubled by as this kitten is extremely social
> and has lived indoors
> since 5 weeks of age, though of course I appreciate
> the help of a reputable
> sanctuary.
> I don't have much time on the one kitten, but will
> continue to search for
> homes for the other 3; two of them have been
> together all this time and are
> very bonded, those are the two who initially were
> only FIV+ but retested
> positive for leukemia.  I know this is confusing,
> but basically, 4 FELV+
> kittens need homes, two need a home together.   All
> have been tested twice
> but the 4th whom I do not have in my
>'s been a difficult
> situation without going into it further on dynamics.
>   I am heavily involved
> with multiple colonies and have exhausted all of my
> rescue
> friends/resources as far as fosters or homes go for
> the many kitties I am
> trying to help, including these guys who are
> difficult to place as FELV+.
> If anyone knows persons who might be interested in
> adopting one or two FELV+
> kittens from Tampa, Florida, please pass this along.
> Thank you all for loving FELV+ Kitties!
> --
> Heather

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