Dear Malone,
Bless you for protecting your kitties from your vet's recommendation to
Yes, the virus can be thrown off. 
In 2003 I took in a colony of 5 kittens and 1 young adult, who all
continued to live together in my 2nd bedroom pending testing. The 5
kittens tested postive twice. The older cat was negative both times.
Over the subsequent 21 months or so, 4 of the 5 kittens succumbed to the
I had the remaining "kitten"--Mickey-- and the older
cat--Momcat--retested last year, since I wanted to see if they could be
integrated with my general household (I had stopped vaccinating my other
cats against FeLV when they all became indoors cats, and didn't want to
start again.). Momcat was still negative----and now Mickey tested
negative too. (My vet, whom I trust totally, and who has been very
supportive re the FeLV, did the testing in his own office, showed me the
test device, and said the result was "unambiguous." We were
Throwing off the virus is not that uncommon, according to my vet-- I've
forgotten the figure he gave me, but it was substantial--maybe
one-third, or even more. I'll ask him again, next time I see him. 
We can't control the outcome--all we can do is love and care for them as
much as possible, and hope that even if they don't throw off the virus
they will have long happy lives. Although I was heart-broken to lose my
4, I know that at least their (all too short) lives had quality. They
were warm and looked after and had each other, and when they passed I
was there to comfort them. 
There would be no point in separating your 2 babes at this stage since
Teaser has already been exposed. And as you've already witnessed, it
would upset them dreadfully and needlessly. It's wonderful they have
such a bond. 
And, it's wonderful they have you Malone. Bless you for your compassion
and refusal to accept the vet's word. 
Kerry M.
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Malone
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: I need information please (catatonya)

Thank you for the advice. I know he got it from the kitten. He had two
tests both negative when he came in the home. He was tested when I
picked him up from the humane society and then he was retested when
Teaser was retested. They both had two tests before 1 year of age and
that was when I vaccinated them for the first time. Basil had 2 other
boosters. Teaser is a year older and she had been vaccinated 3 times.
When my baby boy died both Basil and Teaser were retested. She is still
negative but Basil was positive. My vet then said there was no reason to
wait he would be like the kitten in a matter of weeks. He also felt if I
kept him I would infect Teaser. I don't think he is a bad vet, but
hasn't really dealt with felv much. He is really a vet for most of the
ranches in the area. I have an opportunity to share what I learn here
with him. That is a blessing. But now I have to wonder if he shouldn't
be retested, something my vet said would only cause me more heartache.
If I take him to another vet and get a different result that would prove
that this virus could be fought off. I just didn't want to get my hopes
up too high. That is why I was wondering if anyone here had a cat that
was positive end up negative. 


Thank you to you, Hideyo, and Susan for the advice and assistance.
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