Couple of questions.  When you sai that Basil & Teaser were vaccinated & had
boosters-do you mean that they had Feline Leukemia vaccines?  Also, if Basil
had pos on the Elissa Snap test in the office, wait a couple of months and
have them run an Elissa (blood work sent to lab).  


As for mixing, my Tuscon showed up pos after testing neg as a kitten & some
of those early kitten tests are not always too accurate.  None of my negs
had gotten it though they were all exposed to each other since kittenhood.
I vaccinate my negs now but I think its real hard for an adult healthy cat
to catch it.  


Basically, my Tucson & another pos I took, Romeo, are pretty healthy and
they're getting to be around 8 or 9.  


Christiane Biagi


Cell:  914-720-6888



Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)


Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Malone
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: I need information please (catatonya)


Thank you for the advice. I know he got it from the kitten. He had two tests
both negative when he came in the home. He was tested when I picked him up
from the humane society and then he was retested when Teaser was retested.
They both had two tests before 1 year of age and that was when I vaccinated
them for the first time. Basil had 2 other boosters. Teaser is a year older
and she had been vaccinated 3 times. When my baby boy died both Basil and
Teaser were retested. She is still negative but Basil was positive. My vet
then said there was no reason to wait he would be like the kitten in a
matter of weeks. He also felt if I kept him I would infect Teaser. I don't
think he is a bad vet, but hasn't really dealt with felv much. He is really
a vet for most of the ranches in the area. I have an opportunity to share
what I learn here with him. That is a blessing. But now I have to wonder if
he shouldn't be retested, something my vet said would only cause me more
heartache. If I take him to another vet and get a different result that
would prove that this virus could be fought off. I just didn't want to get
my hopes up too high. That is why I was wondering if anyone here had a cat
that was positive end up negative. 


Thank you to you, Hideyo, and Susan for the advice and assistance.

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