Hey guys,

I just wanted to stress that even though our site seems to be going through 
some changes, mainly losing members that have been around for a while, our site 
is extremely important.  There will always be a need for people to be educated 
on FeLV.  When new members do not come along, I believe keeping our site alive 
with photos, anecdotes, and other interesting things like activism against Mr. 
Vick is important.  We will not always be busy helping new members, which is a 
good thing, but keeping our site active keeps our camraderie going.  I don't 
want to see that stagnate.  We lost Elizabeth last week.  I didn't even know it 
until she emailed me last night.  She is such a sweet lady and so encouraging, 
I hate to see her go.  But like others, she's got some personal stuff she's 
dealing with, and she can't take the extra time right now to be here, which I 
completely understand.  I'm hoping members like her, Nina, MC, and Michelle 
will return when they are able.  They are so
 valuable.  There will always be people who come and go, and sometimes we'll 
even have a few issues come up, as we recently did, but we can get through 
them, and maintain our site for the betterment of cat health.  I think what 
we're doing is more important than many of us realize, so hang in there if you 
can when times get rough, and if you can't, don't forget to come back and visit 
when you can.  Because of our differing personalities, everyone has something 
to offer, and I think that's a beautiful thing.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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