My mom worries about the chemicals- the sprays and the flea powders.  She thinks they aren't safe.  Anyone else's thought?  The Advantage is supposed to be super-safe though. 

I checked on Lil Girl many times yesterday after I treated her with Advantage- to make sure she's not having a reaction (she's not).  I have been putting ice (and pet calm) in their water.  But I work during the day, so I can't always change it out until the evening.  There is a wooded area right at the end of the street (I am the third to last house at the bottom of a hill, near the woods) and there's no sun in there and the temp is markedly cooler.  They disappear during the hottest part of the day, so they may be going there- I hope so.

I did order HomeoPet from the website Susan Dubose recommended- Lambriar.  It's a hook, round and tape dewormer and it's supposed to be a natural intestinal cleanser liquid you can add to their food.  If anyone has tried it/heard of it, let me know. 

I also may be moving soon, so I guess I am just trying to do what I can for them now.  I don't want to leave the street cats, but I rent the house I live in now. 



From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: Flea Control for colony/street cats, heat and other issues
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 08:55:05 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Caroline,
I think you are doing a fantastic job with this colony!  Most ferals don't get near the quality of food and care that you and your neighborhood friends (bless you guys!) are trying to provide.  I would probably not treat any kitties with the chemicals, like Advantage, because if something goes wrong, you probably won't be able to get them to a vet.  Instead, maybe treat the land.  I don't know what everyone here thinks of Sevin Dust, but we've used it for ages in my family to treat our land/lawn and also have put it on our pets (when I was younger; I use Advantage now).  You can buy it at Walmart.  I did find some conflicting info. on the Internet as to one of the ingredients, carbaryl, so you might do some more research and ask Dr. Meier about it.  I also heard from a member here who emailed me off-list and told me that they use a holistic vet to treat for fleas, so you might consider contacting Dr. Meier and ask her if there's something natural you can put in their food that will combat the fleas.  I have never used the Frontline spray; I didn't even know it existed!  As far as the heat goes, just make sure there's lots of fresh, cool water (you may have to change this out a lot throughout the day) and maybe even put out one of those water fountain things (I have one and my cats love it!), and safe shade for them if you can.  You can also add ice to the water to keep it cool and some cats like to play with it.  I also read that you can put frozen peas in a plastic bag and put it out on your stoop.  It's cool and if the kitty's lie on it, it will conform to their bodies and keep them cool.  Hope this helps!
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