Hi Caroline,

The fact that this kitty is in bad shape and that there are no signs looking 
for her to me says that she wasn't necessarily neglected, but maybe she's been 
lost for quite a while and hope may have been given up in looking for this cat. 
 The right thing to do would be to try to find out who the family is and go 
from there, keeping in mind that this kitty MIGHT not have been taken good care 
of, but not necessarily.  What if it were your cat and you had been looking for 
her for two months and had given up hope?  You would certainly still want to 
find her if you could, but after so long, the chances are pretty slim.  There 
are quite a few online lost pet sites that I would look through.  Here are a 
few that I found:

Bless you for taking this sweet kitty in.  Monkee would be so proud of you!  
She is lucky that you found her.  It would probably not hurt her at all to have 
subQ fluids, if you know how to do it.  It's really easy.  Is she drinking 
enough water?  Also, you might think about boiling her some chicken and letting 
her drink the broth from that, and mixing chopped boiled chicken in with her 
food.  She probably would love that.  Thank goodness that she is eating and 
pooping good.  That is wonderful!!!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 10:09:28 AM
Subject: OT: Advice for Malnourished, Rescued cat

I did a cat rescue on Sat. of a spayed, long-haired female that was clearly a 
house-cat that had been hanging out in my mom's neighborhood for about 3 weeks. 
 My mom had told the neighbor across the street that I had a foster cat and so 
he thought I would know what to do once he'd finally determined the cat did not 
have a home (you know how it goes!).  I took one look at her and decided we 
needed to move fast- she'd already been outside too long.  She had a collar on 
with a rabies tag on it with the vet's number, but by the time we got her in a 
carrier and I had the collar off (it had rubbed the fur off her neck) the vet's 
was closed.  My mom left a message w/ the vet's, but come Mon. morn., still 
hadn't heard back.  On Mon., she drove past the vet clinic and it's closed- 
like out of business!!!  We were hoping to match up the rabies tag number with 
the owner, however, my mom is really skittish about actually finding the owner 
because there's no free
 newspaper ad looking for her, there's no signs up in the neighborhood, and she 
was in SUCH bad shape when we found her...?  Also, my mom says the vet the cat 
went to to at least get her rabies shot is "not a good one," so she is 
reluctant to just immediately turn this cat over, even if we do find the 
owners- which at this point, is not looking promising anyway.  
We haven't taken her to a vet yet because we thought we would maybe find the 
owners, and now I am trying to work my Shamrock contact to see if I can get her 
in with a Shamrock vet who will give us a discounted price.  When we found her 
she had horrible runny eyes- all down her face.  She has fleas (of course).  We 
are keeping her in a downstairs room of my mom's house in a crate- which we do 
let her out of when someone is there because she doesn't do anything- she is SO 
good; clearly a housecat who was desperate to get back inside, so she will do 
anything right now (I can handle her easily, she doesn't fight, I can treat her 

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