My 2 cents here - 

People are not born evil (no matter what the movies would have us
believe).  Children learn by example.  Sometimes by being the one getting
tortured, sometimes from only watching.  What horrors have befallen these
3 boys that they could do something so horrible in kind?

Putting these 3 away will only stop these 3 - but if the inhuman
"examples" (I cannot bring myself to call them role models or parents) are
still out there "on the loose", how many more children will suffer and be
damaged for life?  We need to hunt down the source, if it is still out
there, and make them pay for their contribution to this tragedy too.

Is there hope for these boys?  Are they redeemable?  I don't know.  (I
don't have enough training to even hazard a guess).  If there is hope,
then they deserve to be helped.  If there is no possibility of rehab, then
they & their "teachers" must be taken out of society in order to break the

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Susan Dubose wrote:

> Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:54:32 -0500
> From: Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Toby's death
> I know, I really thought long & hard before I sent it.
> But the more of an "outpouring" from people from all over that we get, the 
> better in the long run.
> We have to do it for the animals, we are their only voice.
> It just sickens me too.

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