Hi Glenda thank you for checking out Crashs.I first of all want to say that I 
too am not one for declawing!! As some of our rescue cats do come in already 
declawed and yes they are declawed if they are not too old.As much as I hate to 
say it,people (unlike you and I) would prefer to adopt cats already declawed. 
:( Also think about over 100 cats living under the same roof.Most get along but 
there could be many bad wounds from fights. Like I said I believe as does Jen 
the lady that runs the places that ALOT of cats are discarded out into the 
streets because they claw the furniture and etc. And they don't take the time 
to try and train them to do differently.I clip all my cats claws myself.I 
personally don't like it.But I can't tell her how to run her shelter :(  I 
respect ALL that Jen does for the over 200 cats that she takes in and can't say 
anything bad about what she does.I am sorry if it hurts you and I respect your 
opinion.Thanks for your good wishes on our sweet
 Brian.Oh,also all 4 of my boys came from Sids and they are beautiful and 
healthy!!! If you go back and look up Mystique at Sids,she is probably my next 
baby to bring home since I lost my beautiful Genevieve.Also in the tabbies at 
Crashs check out Honeysuckle.I rescued her and her 5 kittens from my 
backyard.My boyfriend has the kittens at his house,we are trying to get homes 
for them.

glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I clicked your site. I found Brian in the Sids
Sanctuary. What a little angel. I see he started out
with ear mites, so he is apparently just having a
terrible time getting his ears cleared up,
After reading the introduction to Crashlanding, of
course it was so beautiful, it made me cry...I went
next to Tabbies, my weakness and clicked on a few of
your guys there, like Bennie and Brut...love those
guys...I see Brut is FIV...Well then I realized
everyone had been declawed , everyone that was not
FeLV+. My heart just sank! Is that their policy? If it
is my heart is as broken for the guys that are FeLV-
as for the guys that are FeLV+. 
Please let me know what is going on there with the
declawing or please tell me it was a computer glitch. 
Thank you Sherry. I do appreciate seeing where you are
helping our poor little guys and my first impression
is it is a first rate outfit...I am however, one of
those people that is every bit as mortified of
declawing as any cat might be...I hope they can
someday realize that declawing is not a good thing to
do to a cat...
God bless little Brian and you too, for all you do. 
Sincerely, Glenda
--- Sherry DeHaan wrote:

> http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/crashslanding.html
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