Yep, treat that boy!  I'd go with ronidazole rather than flagyl/metronidazole.  
Ronidazole will treat giardia and tritrich.
  What dosage of metronidazole was he previously on and for how long?  Don't 
count on fecal tests to be accurate.  They really aren't especially in the 
early stages.
  A cat with chronic diarrhea needs to be treated.  Otherwise it can damage the 
anal sphincter and the cat has a lifelong incontinence issue.

Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    Well, Yoda's favorite thing to do is 
run across my bed, romp on it and rummage in my pillow!  So sometimes there are 
poopy footprints left on my bed!  It's so gross- and I have a multiple junky 
covers I use as my top sheet to protect my actual bedsheets from getting the 
Yoda-prints...but still, it's gross and I'm tired of changing it every day 
after his little party on my bed!  He really trashed it one time and my mom was 
like, "I would rather die than sleep in that bed!"  And I'm a 
clean-freak/germaphobe-- that's the irony!

  Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 13:25:06 -0800
Subject: RE: OT: diarreah in 6 month old kitten

  Metronidazole can in very rare instances cause convulsions.  Very rare 
though.  Untreated giardia is far more dangerous.
  And, uh, Caroline, if you ever catch giardia from a foster kitty, we're going 
to have to discuss some grooming issues.  Transmission is a fecal to oral 
route.  So don't take playing mamma cat too literally and you should be OK.

Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      .ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P  {padding:0px;}  .ExternalClass 
EC_body.hmmessage  {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}    No.  I didn't want 
to give him anything that he didn't need.  But I do have access to Albon.  
Incidentally, one of the other fosters told me on Sat.- when I was complaining 
about Yoda's on going saga- that some of her cats- or a litter that was 
recently adopted, not sure which, just tested positive for giardia, but they 
haven't treated yet b/c the vet said that the drug for it can cause seizures 
and that scared her to death.  This is another one of those "this is just what 
I heard."  But she wanted to know if Yoda tested pos for giardia (which he 
didn't and I'm sure he doesn't have- it's a Yoda-specific problem and if he had 
had giardia, I'd have it by now!), b/c she wanted to know what I decided to do 
b/c the vet really freaked her out about treating the cats for giardia.  Anyone 
know about this?  

  Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 15:06:14 -0600
Subject: Re: OT: diarreah in 6 month old kitten

You know - has he been treated for coccidia?  A lot of times my vet will treat 
for coccidia even if nothing shows up on the fecal, because it is so hard to 
detect.  Metronidazole doesn't cure coccidia...Albon or there is a new drug 
that does it... 

  On Dec 19, 2007 2:32 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I have a 6 month old non-felv kitten named Yoda that has had diarrhea 
pretty much off and on ever since I've had him (Labor Day).  Some of you may 
remember me asking you about Yoda's diarrhea back then (at first I thought it 
was just the antibiotic for his URI, but he hasn't been on an antibiotic since 
the first weeks of Sept., so that is out).  The vet ran a fecal back in Oct.- 
nothing.  We treated with metro...zole (can't remember the name)-- no 
difference really.  And I have treated him with probiotics just for H of it- I 
used a whole can up of the Eagle Pack Holistic Remedy for Diarreah (added to 
his food)- it seemed to make no difference with Yoda, so when it ran out, I 
stopped using it.  I've been adding benebac (sp?) to his wet food at night 
lately- again, no difference.  Don't ask about food and diet changes-- I'm so 
TIRED of answering those friggin questions-- I mean, this isn't my first time 
up to bat-- I'm not an idiot.  I'm tired of the adoption agency
 people (those that have to "approve" Yoda going to the vet) asking me every 
friggin week about diet changes (um, none!) and the vet's office asking the 
same.  If anyone asks this on Sat. at Cat Adoption Day, I'm going to say: 
"Yeah, I'm trying this new thing were I feed Yoda something different for every 
meal...and tons of table scraps!  Why?  Do you think that could be it?!"  
What else?  Oh, I took him back to the vet this Monday so they had the Yoda 
butt to really test for giardia- which I knew it wasn't b/c Yoda is mingled 
with other fosters and personal cats and they would all have it by now and they 
don't, but just in case...They did another fecal-- nothing.  And I know he's 
healthy-- he looks like a little greyhound he's so healthy- he's all muscle and 
lean and just doing wonderful.  He never feels bad, but he'll go in the litter 
box and I will hear these horrible diarrhea, squirty sounds (sorry!) and then 
he just comes out like nothing happened!  But it smells horrible and sometimes 
he can't help but getting it on him and we're all just really tired of it!  The 
Vet said he looked "great"- which I already knew- and his hydration was great, 
his temp was fine, etc.  But I'm not crazy!  He's having this diarrhea!  He had 
a whole puddle of it last night in the litter box!  Sometimes it more "cow 
pie"-like, so that is why I say it comes and
 goes.  It's obviously not sustained diarrhea or else he would have hydration 
issues, which he doesn't.  But I really want to solve this problem and I feel 
like I'm at a loss.  Yoda also seems to pass gas a lot- especially when he is 
nervous- like when we go to the cat adoption day-- he kind of "smells" and it's 
not his fur b/c I kitty wet wipe him before each adoption day- it's him sitting 
there nervously passing gas like he has IBS or something?  
I've been feeding Yoda kitten food- the Eagle Pack Holistic Chicken flavor that 
is for "adult cats and kittens" (whatever the H that means?) in the day.  In 
the evening, he gets half a can of the small can of Wellness kitten with 
Brewer's Yeast and Lysine added.  The vet said that kitten food can be "richer" 
and to try switching him to adult cat food- maybe all dry b/c he thinks the 
wet, with the extra moisture can contribute to diarrhea.  He recommended Purina 
(no, I'm not kidding-- my mom and I would have laughed, but we're tired of the 
runny poo, so it's not as funny as it should be), so I kind of think this vet's 
a quack at this point (for this an other reasons) and with all the premium 
brands on the market, why in the world would I feed him Purina?  (plus that 
means I'd have to switch over two other cats who eat with Yoda- one who is 
underweight that I am rehabbing and needs the best of the best brands of food). 
 Has anyone heard anything like this?  Has anyone had any
 problems with the newer premium foods with their cats?  I just wonder if Yoda 
has a gastrointestinal problem like IBS, UC or even Crohns or something-- 
something that isn't life threatening, but still a problem that can be managed 
by diet.  I just wonder if the newer premium foods- with the emphasis being on 
the high protein content- maybe that is harder to digest for some cats?  I 
switched him on Monday to adult, regular wellness wet at night and he's now 
only getting 1/4 of a can.  I haven't changed the dry food yet b/c I haven't 
decided what to do about that?  We're status quo with the runny poo.  I just 
don't know what to do/try and I'm so frustrated!   
Someone help!

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