Hi Lynne.  Thanks for taking in this baby and doing all that you have for him.  
I think that's great.  Definitely keep him if he is asymptomatic right now.  
Any vet that recommends a cat that has tested positive for Felv ONE TIME and is 
asymptomatic is a quack (in my opinion).  The veterinary profession has come a 
long way in extending the lives of these cats and any vet that does not 
recognize that is not up on his/her research.  There can be false positives 
with these tests, so it is recommended he be retested again in 6 months.  
Please see my other recent post regarding "Buzz" b/c it has a lot of the same 
information about retesting.
In addition, if you are going to keep him, you should look for a vet that is 
committed to proactively treating asymptomatic Felv cats.  Do your research.  
Vet "hop" if you have to, but it is worth it to screen and to find the right 
vet who regularly treats Felv+ cats, is up on the research and will work with 
you to extend the cat's life.  There are many immune boosting things you can do 
yourself now to help your cat.  Also, a high quality diet is key.  There is an 
online group that is devoted to the discussion of a high quality diet for cats 
(especially cats with immune disorders) and I recommend you join it.  I am 
somewhat up on the research of the importance of diet, but not near as much as 
these people.  I will get the website address and post it here in a few.  
Keep in mind that no one can tell you how long your cat will live.  There are 
so many variables and because of that, it is ALWAYS worth trying- especially 
when they are asymptomatic.  Please read thru the archives b/c many people have 
asked this very same question and the answers are always the same-- we don't 
know, but it's worth a try.  Especially if you start proactively working to 
make him comfortable, reduce his stress (very key) and boost his immune system, 
there really is no limit to where he can go.  One of my vets had an Felv cat 
live to be 12 and then she died of something completely unrelated- she never 
even became symptomatic and never even suffered from the Felv.  So there are 
success stories out there like that.  And remember, all cats will die.  It 
sucks.  They will almost always leave us before we are ready and no cat will 
ever live to be 30 yo!  So from the minute we take them in and start to love 
them, their time with us is limited and all we can do in the meantime is shower 
them with love and affection and give them the best life possible.  

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: new catDate: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 
18:54:13 -0500

Hi all.
I just joined this list after doing all the reading I possibly could find on 
feline leukemia.  I recently acquired a Himalayan male cat around 5 to 6 years 
of age from a rather unscrupulous family.  I was familiar with the cat because 
all summer he would come over to our house and hang around, mostly wanting 
attention and something to eat.  Recently I discovered he was on a buy and sell 
site and immediately called the owners desparate to purchase him.  Knowing who 
I am the price went from 150 to 300 within a couple minutes.  Anyway, my 
husband and I had grown to love this little guy and just wanted him to have a 
good home.
Yesterday we took him to the vet where he was groomed, shaved of all the 
horrible matting under his chest and legs, deflead and treated for a terrible 
case of earmites.  We no sooner got home than the vet called to tell us he had 
tested positive for feline leukemia and wanted to know how much we had bonded 
with him and our options.  After what seemed like hours of crying I decided we 
were going to keep him as long as he stayed healthy which he is now.  This 
weekend he is going to be neutered, strongly advised by the vet.  This will be 
strictly a housecat.  He's adjusted very well and is adorable.  I'm just 
curious.  Does he have a chance at a longer life than I've been lead to believe 
he has.  I'm hearing a couple of years and I just cannot accept this as fact.  
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