pre-op blood work is really important, so if it hasn't been done yet, I 
recommend it.  since I have more experience with geriatric cats, our vet always 
did it before even considering a tooth cleaning b/c of the risk of putting an 
old cat under.  it tells the vet a lot.  we had one the we decided against the 
tooth cleaning b/c of the blood work.  another- Rambo- the one that lived the 
longest (19), the vet said his blood work was fine and we absolutely needed to 
do a cleaning and by then Rambo was old old and I was freaking out!  I told my 
mom if he died during the tooth cleaning I was going to kill the vet b/c he 
promised, based on blood work, that is was okay.  I was a mess that day but 
Rambo came through totally fine.  Since then I'm a firm believer in the pre-op 
blood work.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: fixing a leukemia kittyDate: 
Thu, 7 Feb 2008 16:51:20 -0500

I called the vet today and asked that they tell me the absolute best time to 
bring him in so he wouldn't have to wait at all so he's scheduled first at 
8:15.  I asked if I could take him home as soon as he came around and the 
assistant said Dr. Gill would decide that tomorrow and probably with Boo's 
condition he wouldn't want him around any longer than possible.  I said "hey, 
wait a minute here, you don't discriminate against cats with this disease do 
you, like he's gonna die anyway so if it's now what's the difference" She said, 
oh no, we think it's wonderful that you have taken this challenge on.  I'm 
supposed to be at work tomorrow for 9 but I fully intend to stay until I know 
he's out of the woods.  The pharmacy across the hall can tell anyone waiting 
outside the office I'll be late if need be.  If I had my way I'd be there in 
the operating room.  I don't want to make a nuissance of myself but I want to 
know what's going on too.  I also want a CBC done at the time just to get an 
idea of what his blood is like.  My husband and I love this little guy so much. 
 When I go to bed, earlier than Bob, to watch some news, BooBoo follows me 
upstairs and hops on the bed with his little paws hanging over the side and he 
watches with me.  We both like Hillary Clinton by the way.  When she's on I 
swear he is totally intrigued.  He just stares at the TV.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Caroline Kaufmann 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 1:37 PM
Subject: RE: fixing a leukemia kitty
If he's healthy now, then do it.  Feleuk cats are prone to cancers- a lot of 
times, that is what gets them in the end, particularly lymphoscarcoma.  
Lymphosarcoma is the most common form of cancer in cats and dogs- feleuk or 
otherwise.  But the incidence in Felv+ cats is even higher.  This is what my 
cat Monkee came down with (found a lump on his leg).  If neutering would 
further reduce his risk of cancer, then it's worth the small risk of putting 
him under but if he is indeed Feleuk positive, then he has double the chances 
of getting some time of cancer.  And it's true that a neuter is a much simpler 
operation than a spay and there's basically no recovery issues- assuming there 
are no complications (unlike the frequent popped stitches that come with 
spaying).  The group I volunteer for is currently working it's way through 
fixing an entire colony of Felv+ feral cats and there haven't been any 
problems.  And they are feral-- which I should think the stress of the 
catching, surgery, immediate release, must be even worse for them, so if they 
can handle it, your boy who's asymptomatic, healthy now that he's with you, and 
getting love and affection, will be fine.caroline 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: fixing a leukemia kittyDate: 
Wed, 6 Feb 2008 21:33:58 -0600

Lynne, my friend has all her feline leukemia kitties altered. I think one, in 
20 years, had a problem.
At least for a female, our vet believes the stress of the regular heat cycle 
would be greater than that of the spay. And you are right that an unneutered 
male is at risk of certain cancers...and he's already <potentially> immune 
We had Isabella scheduled for her spay 2 or 3 times and each time she had a 
temp so we didn't do it. When she got so bad that we needed an ultrasound, the 
vet discovered she had hemaclips or something like that which meant she was 
already spayed. Boy were we relieved that we had not put her under and had cut 
open unnecessarily! (The vet had shaved her when we first rescued her and could 
not find a spay scar). 
I would not be as worried about a neuter as a spay ~ if Boo is otherwise in 
good health and esp since he's not going to be vaccinated now. We did not 
vaccinate Isabella. I have watched a neuter being done. It takes no time at 
all. He won't be under long. I would ask whether they do a reversal and if the 
vet thinks this is a good idea for him.Bottom line for me ~ if the vet thinks 
it's ok to do the alter, I would be inclined to do it. Afterall, I am sure he 
doesn't want a poor result.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lynne 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: fixing a leukemia kitty

Dorothy, believe me, this is weighing heavy on my mind.  He's scheduled to go 
in this Friday.  The vet assured me he was healthy and up to it.  If it were a 
spaying I probably would definitely be worried since I think it is a more 
complicated surgery.  I still have tomorrow to reconsider.  I would definitely 
be happier if his urine were not so strong smelling and I have read that 
neutered cats can be healthier, ie less likely to develop prostate or other 
cancers so I'm really torn as to which way to go.  I do not want him to be 
wanting to go out.  The first night we had him the little buggar went upstairs 
and peed in an unoccupied bedroom and it took two days to clean, air the place 
and get the smell out.  We had his litter box ready but he chose to mark this 
room.  The door has since been closed and he faithfully uses his litter box but 
once the breeding season comes, I don't know what he'll do.  What do the rest 
of you think.  Should I hold off on this surgery?  Boo is somewhere between 4 
and 6 years old, kind of old for neutering but I truly want what's best for him.
Thanks Dorothy for your input.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dorothy Noble 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 9:36 PM
Subject: fixing a leukemia kitty

I was reading Lynne's postings about her new cat being neutered this weekend -
I just wanted to pass along a little ifo I had received from a society in 
I was looking to adopt a FeLV kitty (to be a friend to my other FeLV) and I was 
inquiring about cats that they had.  I asked if they would be spayed or 
neutered prior to adoption and she emphatically said NO.  She said that if they 
were not already fixed, they definitely do NOT recommend t hat type of surgery 
on a cat with leukemia, due to their already fragile immune systems.  (I chose 
to wait until I could find one who was already fixed because I definitely like 
my cats to be altered.)
Just a little food for thought - I would hate to have something happen to your 
friend during a surgery!

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