We gave BooBoo his dose of Doxy tonight and the same thing happened.  He fought 
and now is gasping for air.  My husband is calling Dr. Gill tomorrow and we'll 
take him in.  If he is still like this tomorrow I fear we will have to make a 
decision.  He seems to be in respiratory distress.  This cat is so high strung. 
 My son and daughter in law were over tonight and they took turns going up to 
visit him.  He seems to be afraid of everyone and then starts breathing even 
heavier.  Honestly I did not notice this with him when we first got him.  It 
has only been within the week that I've noticed his sides heaving more than 
they did.  I have this horrible feeling that he is going down hill quickly.  I 
so don't want him to suffer and be gasping to breath.  I just pray that 
tomorrow I wake up and he's better.


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